What is the difference between Micro, Mezzo and Macro Social Work?
What is...
Mezzo- Group
Macro- Community
In Inside Out, Which emotion is in charge of keeping Riley happy?
What is Joy?
How many credits do you need to graduate with a Bachelor's?
What is 120 credits?
This color, often associated with calm and tranquility, is the most commonly used color is hospital rooms.
What is blue?
What is one population that social workers commonly serve?
What is.. children, older adults, people with disabilities, homeless, people with mental illness, etc.?
Social Work follows a strengths-based approach. What does it mean?
What is focus on client's strengths rather than the problem?
Which 2009 film features Sandra Bullock as a wealthy woman who takes in a homeless teenager and helps him persue a career in football, demonstrating the power of empathy and support?
What is "The Blind Side"?
What is the title of the semester publication at BYU-I that covers campus news and student activities?
What is the Scroll?
This U.S. State is known for its volcanoes, rainforests, and beaches, and is the only state made up entirely of islands.
What is Hawaii?
What is one skill every Social Worker should have?
What is active listening, empathy, communication, problem-solving etc.?
What does NASW stand for?
What is National Association of Social Workers?
In the movie "A Beautiful Mind," what mental health condition does the main character, John Nash, struggle with, which is central to the story?
What is Schizophrenia?
What is the name of the large, multi-purpose event space that hosts concerts, conferences, and graduation at BYU-Idaho?
What is the BYU-I Center?
This reality TV show features contestants competing in various challenges to survive on a remote island.
What is "Survivor"?
What is one key factor Social Workers consider when creating an intervention plan for a client?
What is the client's strengths, needs, goals, available resources, etc.?
This concept emphasizes the importance of understanding individuals within the context of their environment, which includes their family, community and society. What is it called?
What is Person-in-Environment perspective?
In the 2018 movie staring Mark Wahlberg, a couple decides to adopt three siblings from foster care, and they face the challenges of parenting, attachment, and navigating the foster system. What is the name of this movie?
What is "Instant Family"?
What is the name of the semester event that allows students to connect with employers and learn about job opportunities?
What is the Career Fair?
Finish the Lyrics
"Ohhh, we're halfway there..."
"Woah-oh, livin' on a prayer" (Bon Jovi)?
Name 2 code of ethics that may create a dilemma?
What is... 1.01 v 1.02
This five-phase process guides Social Workers in assessing and addressing client needs, what it it?
What is Generalist (Generalist Intervention) Model?
What famous TV character who is a Dr. (cane user, scruffy looking) known for his wise yet sarcastic nature, would probably make a good social worker due to his focus on empathy and understanding, even though he's a bit of a grump?
What is Dr. Gregory House from "House"?
President Alvin F. Meredith is what number president of BYU-I?
What is the 18th?
This famous clock tower, located in London, is actually called "Elizabeth Tower," but most people refer to it by the name of the bell it houses.
What is Big Ben?
What is the difference between social justice and advocacy in Social Work?
What is social justice focuses on fairness and equal rights for all, while advocacy involves actively supporting and speaking up for individuals or groups?
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