What color are the JFS therapy office carpets?
What is green!
Which one of your colleagues, who has lots of knowledge on insurance, has a collection of shot glasses?
Who is Melissa
What is the only mammal that cant jump?
What are elephants
What color is the fridge in the main JFS office kitchen?
What is Stainless steel/silver
Which artist has won the most grammy awards?
Who is Beyonce
What color is the trims of windows all around campus?
What is red
What is the only letter that doesnt appear in any US state name?
What is Q
What kind of floor is in the JFS main lobby?
What are brown wood laminate/tiles
Which JFS therapist was voted "most funny" in their 5th grade superlatives?
What is the only word in English that ends in "mt"
What is Dreamt
How many offices are there in the behavioral health department of JFS?
What is 14
Which city has the most sky scrapes in the world?