Mission Statements
SES and the student
SES and Curriculum
SES and Community/ Education
Name the 5 program values of TEP
What is pedagogical sensitivity reflective practice social justice integration of knowledge and practice critical mindedness
Name one thing that negatively impacts school performance.
What is Poverty and low socioeconomic status is associated with higher incidents of poor health, riskier environments and riskier behavior among children
What creates larger learning gaps for ELL/ESL students living in poverty
What is less resources available to the family which creates further learning gaps
what are some effects of low SES on students
What is - low self-esteem, reduced motivation, lower educational aspirations, less extra-curricular participation, fewer student-teacher interactions, interrupted attendance, delayed development, illiteracy, being streamed into less challenging programs, academic underachievement, increased risk of dropping out.
How many years in a row has BC had the most children under the poverty line
What is 8 years
Pedagogical sensitivity
What is ......
What is one of the issues surrounding future students
What is the cyclical effect
Name three ways that teachers can adapt lesson plans to be more inclusive of diversity
What is Positive reinforcement for learning - Make education meaningful and relevant (understanding the cause of poverty, creating an inclusive community, teaching to students’ strengths and interests, increasing awareness of resources available, empowering students to take control of their learning) - Creating an inclusive, caring classroom environment - Creating “schools of care” (build relationships with community) - Offer a homework club to help address learning gaps or have a “no homework” policy - Culturally meaningful/responsive education
Are schools responsible for creating poverty?
What is - not responsible for creating poverty, however, they can serve as a sorting function
what is the percentage that social class affects academic achievement
What is 50%
Critical mindfulness
What is ... You're Right!!
Is a students socioeconomic status solely visible
What is it is both visible and hidden
What was the positive aspect of school for low SES students
What is School became a safe haven and students excelled in this environment
How does the school sustain economic and class inequalities ?
What is pedagogical practices that are not relevant to needs and interests of children from lower socio-economic backgrounds
What percentage of BC children live in families with income below the poverty line
What is 12%
Social justice
What is .....couldn't have said it better myself
Name a way that a child's SES affects them socially
What is being bullied for not having the right clothes, technology, friends etc.
What is one of the possible reasons that older students have poorer attendance record?
What is looking after younger siblings or working at paid employment
Name one way that we can improve the meeting place between the community and the school
What is - Schools as safe spaces - Build social connections with children, youth and families ex. family nights, community gardens, clothing exchanges, weekend field trips, parent programs - Access to free community sport programs/facilities for youth - After school child-care - Consultation between teachers, social workers and social agencies involved with families
Approximately how many children still live under the poverty line in Canada (2005)
What is 1.2 million
reflective practice
What is ....Exactly
How does students being affected by low SES effect the future of our society
What is dropping out of high school and not pursuing higher education
What is the single most reliable predictor of school achievement ?
What is social class differences like family income
Name the 7 structural variables that facilitate the academic success of children living in poverty based on the text book and what we have said
What is 1. sense of wholeness 2. leadership 3. collaborative school culture 4. An orientation towards student achievement 5. resources 6. curricular orientation 7. action of the board
What demographics have the highest poverty rates ( name the top 2)
What is recent immigrants, then Aboriginal children with rates of 49% and 40%