Turner and Tajfel came up with
Bandura did what
What is the connection betweeen sterotypes, prejudice and discrimination?
What is sterotype is a generalized way of thinking about a group of people, prejudice is an attitude about a group of people and discrimination is an unjust attitude due to prejudice.
the behaviors, attitudes, and identities that are common among a group of people
What is culture?
What is the difference between enculturation and acculturation?
Enculturation is learning your own culture, acculturation is adapting to another culture.
when members attribute positive behaviors to your group and bad things to other groups
what is attribution error
The three factors that affect SCT are
environmental, behavioral, and personal
What is sterotype threat?
psychological threat that occurs when one is in a situation which there is a negative sterotype for one's group.
men place a high value on social reputation, usually protect their reputation through violence
what is culture of honor
psychological strain of striving to adapt to a new culture or trying to cope with conflicting cultural norms.
what is acculturation stress?
when members believe behavior of their group is better than other groups.
what is positive distinctiveness
The 2 models of learning that were developed before Bandura came up with SCT were
operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
How does attribution error relate to sterotypes?
They are cause and effect explanations of why a certain group or individual behave a certain way.
football is an example of ____ culture for the USA
In the Martin and Halverson 1983 study when children were shown pictures of men and women in gender stereotypical and nonstereotypical roles what pictures did the children remember one week later?
the children remembered the adults in gender stereotypical roles
Social cateogorization, social identification, and social comparison are the
What are the 3 mental processes that are associated with SIT?
The environmental factors that affect learning are
the model and reinforcement.
Explain the difference between high and low PDI
High PDI: inequality is normal, superior makes all the rules, children need to learn respect
Low PDI: inequality is wrong and should be reduced, children should learn independence
What were the conclusions of Cohen et al when southern men and northern men were insulted in the hallway?
Southern males were more angered by an insult and more cognitively primed for violence after an insult than northern males.
integration, separation, assimilation, marginalization
what are the 4 acculturation stress strategies?
What are the three assumptions SIT is based on?
individuals strive to maintain their self esteem, social groups have a positive and negative association, the more you value your in group the more positive social identity you will
What is the name of the experiment which included children watching an aggressive model and then their behavior was observed?
Bobo doll experiment
Name the 6 cultural dimensions
power distance, collectivism vs individualism, uncertainty avoidance index, femininity vs masculinity, short term vs long term orientation, restraint vs indulgence
Name 4 examples of deep culture in the USA
Could be but not limited to:
-wave hi greeting
-polite manners
-work is what will make you successful
-everyone has right to trial
Explain the difference between emic and etic approaches to culture studies
Emic: human behavior is fundamentally culturally specific
Etic: human behavior is fundamentally universal not culturally specific