Sociology- A Social Science
Research Methods
Early Thinkers

Define Socialization.

What is the lifelong process of social interaction, through which we acquire self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed to survive in society.


Define Culture

What is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next.


Define Sociology.

What is the systematic study of human society and social interaction?


Differentiate qualitative and quantitative research.

Qualitative research uses interpretive description rather than statistics and quantitative research uses data that can be measured numerically


Name one of the early thinkers and describe what they contributed to sociology.

Auguste Compte- Founder of Sociology

Georg Simmel- Developed Formal Sociology

Emile Durkheim- Disagreed with Spencer. Believed Limits on human potential are socially, not biologically-based.

Harriet Martineau- Translated and compressed the work of Comte to make it more widely accessible

Herbert Spencer- ‘Social Darwinism’: Belief that species (including humans) that are best adapted to their environment will survive and prosper, while the poorly adapted die out. 

Max Weber- Believed sociology cannot be completely “value-free” (totally scientific, exclude personal views/interest of researchers), but researchers should employ verstehen (‘understanding/insight’): ability to see the world as others see it.

Karl Marx- Believes conflict (especially class conflict) necessary to produce social change/better society


List (at least) 3 of the main agents of Socialization.

What is

1. Peers

2. Mass Media

3. Family

4. Religion

5. School

The composition of society.

What is a group of people who live in the same geographical area and are subject to the same social and political expectations?


List the social sciences discussed in class

What is sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, political science, and economics?


Five ways of knowing the world.

What is personal experience, tradition, authority, science, and religion.


Differentiate microlevel and macrolevel analyses.

Macrolevel: Examines whole societies, large-scale social structures and social systems(instead of important social dynamics in individuals’ lives).

Microlevel: Focuses on small groups rather than large-scale social structures.


The way in which socialization and culture are linked.

What is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects passed from person to person and from generation to generation in a group or society?

The 7 components of culture.

What is symbols, language, values, norms, folkways, mores, and laws?


Sociological imagination. 

What is the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and larger society. This term was coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills.


The most reliable way of knowing the world.

What is science- it uses thorough, objective research methods, other ways of knowing the world are biased?

Theoretical perspectives (name all) (your teammates can help you)

What is:

  • Conflict theory
  • Functionalism
  • Feminist perspective
  • Symbolic interactionist perspective
  • Postmodernist perspective

Name 3 of the major theories of personality development.

What is Freud’s Psychosexual theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial development, Cooley and Mead’s symbolic interactionist theories?


The 3 steps of the process of cultural change.

what is discovery, invention and cultural diffusion?


The reason for which we study sociology.

Sociology encourages us to look beyond our personal experiences and to consider the complex connections between our lives and society at large.


Ethics in research is composed of what.

Participation must be voluntary, participants must not be harmed in any way, anonymity must be respected, participants must give consent.


“Founder of sociology”. Coined the term ‘sociology’.

Who is Auguste Compte.


The way in which Nature and Nurture impacts individuals.

What is

  • Nature: Believes that nature (in the form of our DNA) is a major factor in shaping human behaviour. Your attitudes and behaviours are predetermined by your biological traits.
  • Nurture: Your attitudes and behaviours are shaped by your socialization process / your social environment.

Define dominant culture.

What is culture that is able to impose its values, language, ways of behaving on a particular society?


Differentiate personal troubles and public issues.

Personal troubles are private problems of individuals and the people with whom they associate regularly. These problems must be solved by the individual within their immediate social settings

Public issues are matters beyond an individual’s control, which are caused by problems at the societal level. These problems cannot be solved by the individual; they are systematic in society.


The first step in the research process.

Select and define the research problem.


Developed formal sociology (focuses attention on recurring social forms (‘geometry of social life’) that underlie varying content of social interaction.

Who is Georg Simmel
