Class differences
Gender differences
Ethnic differences
The role of education
Educational policy

Who identified two types of language codes? [Restricted VS Elaborated]

For an extra 100 points, can you name the other sociologists associated with language between the social classes? 



Hubbs - Tait et al - cognitive performance improves when parents use complex language that evaluates their childs understanding. 

Feinstein - m/c parents more likely to use language this way. 

Bereiter and Engelmann - language in w/c homes is deficient [hand gestures/slang] 


Can you name all four external factors for gender differences in achievement?

1. The impact of feminism 

2. Changes in the family

3. Changes in women's employment 

4. Girl' changing ambitions 


Can you name all the factors that affect ethnic differences in educational achievement? [external and internal]

1. Cultural deprivation [ext]

2. Material deprivation [ext]

3. Racism in wider society [ext]

4. Labelling and teacher racism [int] 

5. Pupil identities [int]

6. Pupil responses and subcultures [int] 

7. Institutional racism [int] 


What is the functionalist perspective on education? 

Durkheim - solidarity and skills 

Parsons - meritocracy 

Davis and Moore - role allocation 


Which act brought in the tripartitie system? 

The 1944 Education Act [Butler Act]


Name all four characteristics that Sugarman argues exists within the w/c subculture. 

collectivism, fatalism, immediate-gratification and present-time orientation


Can you name all six of the internal factors for gender differences in educational achievement? 

1. Equal opportunity policies 

2. Positive role models in schools

3. GCSE and Coursework 

4. Teacher attention

5. Challenging stereotypes in the curriculum 

6. Selection and league tables 


What topic do both Sewell and Arnot cover within this topic? 

External factors - they both discuss the family set up of black families and generalise that black boys have absence fathers and this results in gang culture and educational underachievement. 

Sewell - lack of nurturing fatherly 'tough love' 

Arnot - their role model is the 'ultra - tough ghetto superstar' 


What is the Neoliberal/New Right perspective on education? 

The state takes a 'one size fits all' approach - local consumers have no say and they should do. 

Chubb and Moe - consumer choice 


Which year saw the introduction of the comprehensive system? 



Which sociologist identified that w/c children have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals which results in poorer immune systems and energy levels? 

Howard [material deprivation]                                                                                  

Archer et al identifies several strategies w/c girls followed for creating a valued sense of sense due to the m/c habitus of schools. Can you name them? 

1. Adopting a hyper-heterosexual feminine identity

2. Boyfriends

3. Being loud


Which three pupil identities does Archer identify? 

Double points: if you can also describe the identity. 

Ideal pupil: white, m/c masculinised identity with 'normal' sexuality. Pupil seen as achieving in the 'right way' [talented]. 

Pathologised pupil identity: an asian 'deserving poor' feminised identity, asexual or oppressed sexuality, Pupil seen as plodding conformist, culture bound, high achiever. [through hard work not natural ability]. 

Demonised pupil identity: black or white, w/c hyper - sexualised identity. Seen as unintelligent, peer-led, culturally deprived under-achiever. 

What is the Marxist perspective on education?

Althusser - ideological state apparatus 

Bowles and Gintis - correspondence principle and the hidden curriculum - the myth of meritocracy 

Willis - learning to labour [the lads counter-culture]


From 2010 schools were encouraged to leave local authority control and become what? 



Which study explores the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy through labelling processes? 

Rosenthal and Jacobson's study on the 'flouters' and 'spurters'. - labelled the children randomly and found those labelled as 'spurters' [high performers] actually outperformed those labelled as 'flouters' [low performers]. 


What are some reasons behind the underachievement of boys in education? 

1. Poor literacy rates 

2. Globalisation and the decline of traditional men's jobs 

3. Feminisation of education 

4. Shortage of male primary school teachers 

5. Laddish subcultures 


Can you give the four examples of institutional racism within the education system? 

1. The ethnocentric curriculum [e.g. lack of asian languages in comparison to european [Tronya and Williams] and the 'little englandism' of the history curriculum[Ball]]. 

2. Assessment [Gillborn] - move from baseline assessment [written work] to the FSP [teacher judgements] was an engineered failure for ethnic minority students. 

3. Access to opportunities - often a gap between white pupils and ethnic minorities access to programmes such as the Gifted and Talented programme [Gillborn]

4. the'new IQism' [Gillborn] - teachers and policy makers make false asumptions about the nature of pupils' ability or potential. 


How does Ingram's study of w/c catholic boys link to Archer's 'nike identities'? 

Ingram studied one group that passed and one group that failed the 11+.  Grammar schools have a m/c habitus whereas secondary moderns had a w/c habitus. Conformity is important to w/c - so the grammar school group felt great pressure to fit in which meant a 'choice between unworthiness at school for wearing certain clothes, or unworthiness at home for not'. 

This links to the rejection of w/c students Archer also found - resulting in symbolic violence in both studies. 


What are the explanations for gender differences in subject choice? 

1. Gender role socialisation 

2. Gendered subject images 

3. Gender identity and peer pressure

4. Gendered career opportunities 


Which two sociologists studied pupil responses? 

Fuller - black yr 11 girls rejected their negative labels and channelled anger into the pursuit of achievement. 

Mac an Ghail - students who believed teachers had negatively labelled them did not necessarily accept the label. 
