what is culture
components of culture
components pt. 2
variations in culture
cultural change

what is a cultural hegemony

when the ideas and values of a dominant group in the culture is accepted by all, and thus dominates


describe the difference between signs and gestures

signs are symbols meant to meaningfully represent an idea

gestures are physical signs made w/ the body


which of these statements describes the word more

a) norms that are formalized

b) informal norms that are loosely regulated

c) unspoken norms that govern our daily lives

d) extremely serious norms that, when broken, provoke a feeling of disgust/horror

e) norms that are tied to the core values of a culture



what groups of people set the dominant culture?

the most powerful subgroups in the culture


give some examples of cultural diffusion in America

japanese anime, afrobeats, kdramas, cultural restaurants (ramen & pho shops, hot pot, etc.)

define ethnocentrism

the belief that only our own culture is "normal"; using our culture as a standard when comparing other cultures


what is the most important aspect of culture? what does it enable us to do?

language is the basis of culture, and it allows us convey abstract concepts and pass culture down from one generation to another

describe and provide some examples of material culture and nonmaterial culture

material culture are the physical objects that society gives meaning

i.e: buildings, clothes, arts, artifacts

nonmaterial culture are abstract human creations that reflect the ideas/beliefs of a group of people

i.e: values, norms, traditions, language, signs, etc.


what is an example of "ideal" vs. "real" culture in America?

the idea that "all men are created equal" is an ideal value of the United States, but in reality, that is not true at all

what is cultural leveling and what are some examples?

cultural leveling happens when previously distinct cultures become more and more similar to each other over time

For example, the distinct local stores and restaurants of different areas being replaced w/ McDonalds and Walmarts


what is cultural relativism?

a way of thinking in which every culture is seen as different, not necessarily right or wrong


describe the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis proposes that language actually structures thought


what is true about both norms and values

a) they are usually written down 

b) they are usually formalized in some way

c) they are usually constant and don't change much

d) they are both abstract 

e) they change or evolve overtime



define subculture

a subculture is a smaller culture within a larger culture w/ its own distinct way of life


in what direction does cultural diffusion usually occur?

from more developed countries to less developed countries?


what are some of the downsides/dangers of ethnocentrism? 

can lead to prejudice and hostility

can prevent us from understanding other cultures

can make us fail to appreciate the good in other cultures


What is the difference between norms and values?

values are the shared beliefs that a group of people consider to be desirable/worthwhile in life

norms are the rules and guideline regarding what kinds of behavior are acceptable

values are abstract, while norms pertain to certain situations and are more concrete


in what two ways can one be sanctioned? give examples

positive rewards for conformity

i.e: head not, smiles, praise, handshakes

negative punishment for violations

i.e: frowns, fines, looks of disapproval, jail time


what's the difference between a subculture and a counterculture?

A counterculture has norms and values directly opposed to the mainstream culture, while a subculture's norms and values may coexist with those of the larger, mainstream culture


what is the difference between cultural diffusion and cultural imperialism?

in cultural diffusion, cultures share their culture with each other willingly

in cultural imperialism, one culture is imposed over other cultures through media and consumerism


which one of these statements about culture is(are) false?

a) culture is something that we are born with

b) culture is the entire way of life of a group of people

c) culture affects how we view the world

d) there are some cultures inherently better than others

e) all societies form some type of culture

A, D

give an example of a folkway

the dressing etiquette/standard that cultures have


what is/are the purpose(s) of sanctions?

to enforce norms, and establish social control and social cohesion


what are culture wars? what are some examples?

culture wars occur when there isn't uniform agreement about what norms and values society should uphold

culture wars often play out on the political stage; i.e liberals vs. conservatives, Antifa vs. QAnon, etc.


what is true about cultural imperialism, cultural leveling, and cultural diffusion?

a) they can all be the products of Westernization and consumerism

b) they usually lead to less diverse material culture and more diverse nonmaterial culture

c) they only happen between subcultures

d) they only happen between larger cultures

e) they have only negative effects on cultures

