This sociological theory views society as a system of interrelated parts working together to promote stability and social order.
structural functionalism
This theory focuses on the meanings and symbols that individuals create and interpret in everyday social interactions.
symbolic interactionism
This sociologist is famous for studying social integration and its effect on suicide rates.
This psychologist conducted a famous conformity experiment involving participants judging line lengths.
Solomon Asch
Jane Elliott conducted her experiment in response to this major historical event in 1968.
assassination of MLK
This theory views society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources, such as wealth and power.
Conflict theory
This theorist, often associated with Symbolic Interactionism, developed the concept of the looking glass
Charles Cooley
Durkheim identified this state of normlessness as a contributing factor to social instability and suicide.
In the Asch experiment, participants conformed to the incorrect group answer due to this type of social influence.
normative influence
Approximately how many seconds does it take to make a judgment about someone?
38 miliseconds
Conflict Theory is closely associated with this thinker, who emphasized class struggle and the role of economic inequality in shaping society.
Karl Marx
this term refers to the process by which individuals learn to adopt the roles and expectations of their social environment.
this term refers to the first stage of socialization, where individuals learn basic norms, values, and behaviors.
primary socialization
Approximately this percentage of participants conformed to the group's incorrect answer at least once in the Asch experiment.
over 70%
This social psychologist conducted a famous experiment on obedience to authority using electric shocks.
Stanley Milgram
This wave of feminism focused on legal rights like suffrage and property ownership.
First Wave of Feminism
Who coined the term Sociology
Auguste Comte
Primary socialization typically occurs within this social institution, considered the most influential during early childhood.
In the CNN Doll Experiment, children often associated positive traits with dolls of this skin color.
lighter skin
Unlike Milgram’s lab-based study, Hofling’s experiment took place in this real-world professional environment.
This feminist believes that society is set up from the male standpoint
Dorothy Smith
Who has the title first sociologist
Emile Durkheim
Schools, workplaces, and peer groups are examples of these agents involved in secondary socialization.
secondary socialization
The findings of the Clark Doll Experiment were cited as evidence in this landmark Supreme Court case on school desegregation.
Brown vs. Board of Education
The space challenger is an example of this concept
Group think