Systematic study of human society and social interactions.
What is sociology?
research methods when methods or presumptions result in errors is called...
What is experimental bias?
based on the assumption that knowledge is best gained through direct observation.
What is empirical?
Researchers have to weigh these things when conducting research, specifically experiments.
What are the social benefits versus the physical and emotional costs to participants?
Who is Harriet Martineau?
Matters beyond an individual’s control that are caused by problems at the societal level.
What is a public issue?
(how much, how many, how often, etc.)
When your opinion has no bias and is objective.
What is value free?
Eileen is their middle name.
Weber believed that sociologists can't be completely objective but they need to try to employ verstehen.
What is German for understanding?
Study of human societies and cultures and their development
What is anthropology?
You get fired but then after further instruction, there are widespread changes in the employment field
What is the shift from a personal problem to a public issue?
the tentative statement of the relationship between one or more concepts, often thought of as a prediction to be tested.
What is hypothesis?
A horse was taught how to do math and got the answers correct. Unfortunately, the animal was reacting this way due to the facial expressions of the man.
What is the Clever Hans effect?
This man created the law of the three stages: theological, metaphysical, and scientific.
Who is Auguste Comte?
Seeing the general in the particular and seeing the strange in the familiar
What are the two meanings of the sociological perspective?
A customer satisfaction survey is an example of this type of research.
What is qualitative research?
Doing the same experiment multiple times and getting roughly the same result.
What is replication?
Participants were given electric shocks when they answered a question incorrectly.
What is called the Milgrim Experiment?
The belief that human beings best adapted to their environment survive and prosper, whereas those poorly adapted die out.
What is social darwinism?
the relationship between personal troubles and the societal factors that may contribute to them.
What is the sociological imagination created by C. Wright Mills?
Hypotheses are studied through observations (getting data)
What is the second step of the theory and research cycle?
A condition in which social control becomes ineffective as a result of the loss of shared values and a sense of purpose in society.
Psychological stress, no consent can be given, issues with emotional attachments and impact on caregivers are also consequences for which experiment?
What is the strange situation experiment?
These are the words that Babin uses the most
What is plethora and goober?