This soft skill requires you to listen to others.
A. Teamwork
B. oral communication skills
C. Personal qualities and work ethic
This soft skill is helpful in motivating others when using teamwork.
A. Enthusiasm
B. Be a leader
A soft skill about moral philosophy
A. Ethics
B. Pride
What are essential school traits and skills.
A. Desire to learn
B. Tardy
C. Doing things on your own
What is the Desire to learn?
A group of people working together toward a common goal.
A. Teamwork
B. Responsibility
An internal tool that points us in the right direction when making ethical decisions.
A. moral compass
B. Arrow
Leaning back and folded arms could be examples.
A. Attitude
B. Body Language
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
A. Mr D's rule
B. The Golden Rule
why do people fight?
a. someone is being mean or talking about them
b. low self esteem/immature
Employers were asked about a characteristic that affected employee selection.
A. Self-confidence
B. Basic communication, reading, math, writing skills
A term used for your co-worker who always helps out, listens to what you have to say, and contributes to the improvement of the department.
A. problem solver
B. Team player
Motivation for success is often fed by this inevitable part of life.
A. Failure
B. Never trying it
The most important work attitudes.
A. attitude/attendance/punctuality/appearance/communication skills
B. Trustworthiness/flexibility/punctuality/appearance/communication skills.
Personal Qualities you must display in every job
A. Maturity/discipline/calm under pressure/dependability
B. resent authority/complain all the time/ cannot forego immediate pleasures
What is the single most significant decision you can make day to day
A. sleeping/eating/working/etc..
B. attitude