Is this skill hard to learn?
Maybe not.
Can everyone be good with working with other people?
Can everyone be good with this skill?
No but some can!
Can taking notes help you on something?
Yes, it can help
Is behavior apart of professionalism?
What does communication mean?
That you know how to talk to others, and you make sense about what you are talking about.
Can this skill help you in a school project?
Yes, it can!
What is problem-solving?
To try and face every challenge that comes your way.
Is resource management helpful?
Can you take control of your own goals?
Yes you can!
Can this help you during an interview for a job or for any presentation for school?
Yes, it can!
What does teamwork mean?
To work with others and to get along with others.
When do you need problem solving?
At jobs, schools
Why is it important?
You never know when you need it, like for a job or something for school
What does Professionalism mean?
When you take your own ownership of education and goals, and you know how to control your behavior.
People who know how to communicate, did they learn by seeing or by talking?
Everyone learns differently so I don't know.
why is this skill important in life?
You don't know if one day you have to work with someone.
What can problem-solving do for you?
It can help you with any problems that come your way through jobs, schools etc.
What does resource management mean?
When you can take time to learn something new and you take time to study for it, also accepting the information.
Will tthis benefit you later in life?
Yes, since you will be doing your own goals and ownership!
Sally is talking to the math teacher; she needs help in math but doesn't how to tell the math teacher what she most needs helping, and she doesn't know how to explain it.
Does she have good communication skills?
If Sally and Bob can't get along do, they have good teamwork skills.
No, they do not.
Trent has a problem with many workers, he wants to quit but he also doesn't want to lose his job.
What can he do to keep his job and get along with everyone?
He can try to talk to them.
Will this help you with a job you don't know about?
Yes, you just have to study for it and to put time towards it!
Georgia wants to go to college and study biotech, but her mom wants her to work in the family business, but Georgia doesn't want to, but she says yes.
Is Georgia taking control of her goals?
No, she is choosing what her mom said instead of her own goals.