The number of ear bones.
What is three?
4 verbal communication skills.
What is listening, speaking, reading, writing?
Before crossing a street, do these 3 things:__?__.
What is stop, look and L-I-S-T-E-N ?
Animal with largest heart?
What is the blue whale?
Locating objects with sound.
What is echolocation?
The softest bones in body are located.
What is the middle ear?
Taste, touch, sight, smell and hearing.
What are the 5 senses?
To protect your ears from noise use __?__.
What are ear plugs?
Land animal with largest heart.
What is the giraffe?
What is oscitation?
Tiny hairs that help you hear.
What is stereo-cilia
Your first sense.
What is hearing?
If a person is talking to you, try not to __?_.
What is interrupt?
The quietest flying bird.
What is an owl?
What is radio detecting and ranging?
Hardest working organ in the body for its size.
What is the ear drum?
Chinese word for listening.
What is ting?
Do this __?_ if your phone rings during a conversation.
What is don't answer?
This animal flies at night and uses sound waves to "see" insect prey.
What is a bat?
Tree that grows ears.
What is Guanacaste.
Helps you stand, walk and balance.
What is the ear's cochlea?
We hear with our ears but listen with our _____
What is whole body?
Let the speaker do this __?__ when they are talking.
What is finish?
Animal with largest ears.
What is the elephant?
What is SONAR?