Which search bar should we use?
What is the Red Bar?
We always want to use Empathy, not _______.
What is Sympathy?
What pages will contain the most relevant information to us?
What is Customer Care?
My work schedule is being changed. Which skill do I need?
What is Flexibility?
What is "Wiki"
What is our Policy and Procedure Guide?
This skill requires you to fully concentrate on the issues being presented to you.
What is Active Listening?
Can we type in full questions?
What is NO.
Owning a problem, even when you didn't cause it.
What is Taking Responsibility/Action?
Where do we find our dispositions, AKA our reason codes?
What is the Customer Care Reason Code Guide?
This skill allows multiple parties to come to a peaceful solution to a disagreement.
What is Conflict Resolution?
We will sometimes use pages from another department: True or False?
What is True?
"I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a bad day. I'll do everything possible to get this issue resolved to your satisfaction."
What is Empathy?
What page will I use for an text template?
What is the Text Message Template?
The white search bar will search where?
What is within that department's page?
-sigh- "What can I do for you today?" Which soft skill is lacking in the prior statement?
What is Positive Attitude/Enthusiasm?
What ways can diner's reach us? Hint- There are 6.
What are Contact us tickets, Call, Chats, Email, Text messages, Social Media