How many softball players on the field at a time?
What is the Grinch's dog's name?
Challenge for all of the teams!!
Choose 1 person from your team to roll up the toilet paper without breaking it.
(game with water cup and TP)
What is the shortest Bible verse?
Jesus wept
"What a bright time, it's the right time
to ________________"
to rock the night away
What is the distance between bases in fast-pitch softball?
In the first Home Alone, where did the family travel to?
Paris, France
Challenge another team to a water bottle flipping contest. You will have 1 minute to land as many flips as possible, you will start with a full water bottle and I would suggest you drink some of it! (1 person each)
Who was swallowed by a big fish?
"Santa Claus won't make me happy
with _______________"
with a toy on Christmas day
Which country won the first-ever Olympic gold medal for softball?
In National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, what animal causes chaos in the house?
Challenge another team to see who can find this ornament on the Christmas tree first! (choose 1 player each)
How many books are in the Bible?
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart
but _______________"
But the very next day you gave it away
What team has won the most WCWS titles?
Where does Buddy the Elf's human family live?
New York
Challenge another team to see who can make 3 cornhole shots first. (choose 1 player)
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
"Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you, yeah
(beginning of song)
I don't want a lot for Christmas
What year was softball officially added to the olympics?
1996 (Atlanta)
What is the name of the guardian angel who helps George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life?
1) Choose 1 person from your team to be the it girl (DO NOT SAY WHO IT IS)
2) Now choose 1 word that describes the it girl (ONE WORD ONLY)
3) Coach Cline has 1 minute to guess who the it girl is based on your ONE WORD
Name 5 of Jesus' disciples
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Judas, Thomas, Simon, James, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew
From the beginning of the song...
"Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad,
Prospero ano y felicidad