A batter is out after how many strikes?
Which two are most likely to get you more playing time?
1. Attitude
2. Effort
3. Expensive Gear
4. Being Athletic
Attitude and Effort!
What is the objective when a ball is hit to you?
Change the direction of the ball. Catching it is the expectation!
How many outs per inning?
When the umpires the count is 2 and 1, how many balls and strikes is that?
Two balls, one strike
As catcher you are hitting next, but there are two outs. What gear should you be wearing?
Helmet and shin guards
At what point should you decide on where to throw the ball when it's hit to you?
Before the pitch, we never want to hold the ball in the outfield deciding where to throw it
How many defensive players are on the field at a time?
A pitch that is off speed or slower than normal is called what?
Change Up
What is a courtesy runner?
A player that runs for the pitcher or catcher to save their energy
Which position is backing up a throw to first base on a throw from the infield?
Right Fielder
What do we call the next batter to hit?
With two strikes why would a batter decide to choke up?
For a faster more controlled swing
Which position plays in the circle?
If a hit ball lands in the outfield in fair territory, and bounces foul, the ball is fair or foul?
Does the home team hit in the top or bottom of an inning?
When hitting an outside pitch, which direction are you trying to take the ball?
Opposite Field (Right field for righties and Left field for lefties)
Why do left handed throwers not play third base?
On a ball hit to right field, who is backing up the throw to second base?
Left Fielder
How many times can a catcher call time to talk to the pitcher?
As many times as they want