The process that overtime, creates soil
What is: Weathering
Size of soil depends on this
What is: Particle size
Rate of how water and air travel through soil
What is: Soil Permeability
Informal data is known as
What is: Qualitative Data
O Horizon
What is: Organic matter
Difference between dirt and soil
Dirt is dead,
Soil is alive
Largest soil particle
What is: Boulder
Spaces that let water and air move throughout soil
What is: Soil Porosity
Larger than clay and smaller than sand
What is: Silt
Minerals with humus
What is: Topsoil
Indications of brown soil
What is: Plenty of clay and sand/sufficiently drained/good soil
What is: Water
Gravel's permeability is
What is: Fastest
What is: Clay
Light in color, water leaches through
What is: Eluviation Layer
Indications of black soil
What is: Plentiful organic matter/badly drained/fertile
Smallest soil particle
What is: Dust
Sand, silt and small amounts of clay make up this type of soil
What is: Loam
Best soil for growing plants
What is: Loam
Cause of red soil
What is: Iron
Components of soil
What are: Decaying organic material/weathered rocks/plants, animals, fungi, bacteria
Types of sand
What is: Sub-rounded, well-rounded and sub-angular
Which out of the three soils is loam
The middle one
Greatest porosity and permeability
What is: Boulder OR Gravel
R Horizon
What is: Bedrock