A water-bearing rock formation
A material placed on the soil surface to break the fall of raindrops
Water soaking in and moves through the soil
Refers to the tendency of soil particles to cluster together and function as soil units called aggregates
Soil Structure
Components that achieve one or more purposes of the mixture
Active Ingredients
Occurs as layers of soil are removed from the land
Sheet Erosion
Conducting all operations across the slope
Contour Farming
This horizon is on the surface and is composed of organic matter and a small amount of mineral matter.
O Horizon
Means addition to or change in soil
Soil Ammendment
Diluted mixtures of fertilizer used when plants are transplanted
Starter Solutions
A strip of grass growing in an area of a field where water erodes the soil surface
Grass waterway
Alternating strips of row crops with strips of close growing crops
Strip Cropping
This Horizon is located near the surface and consist of mineral matter and organic matter
A Horizon
Is sometime referred to as sourness
The form of Nitrogen used by plants
The process of wearing away of soil
Planting different crops in a given field every year
Crop Rotation
Below the A Horizon and referred to as subsoil
B Horizon
Is referred to as sweetness
The plant roots hang in the air and are misted regularly with a nutrient solution
The practice of growing plants without soil and in water is called
Any Material that supplies nutrients for plants
Below the B Horizon and is composed of mostly parent material.
C Horizon
Neither acidic or alkaline
Medium sized mineral particles