Flag 1 - 25 feet
Flag 2 - 5 feet
Distance - 50 feet
What is 15%
What type of cast/ribbon does a moderately coarse require?
What is no ribbon and weak cast
What are the 5 forming factors?
What is; parent material, topographic, climate, time, organisms
Which horizon is known as thee surface horizon?
What is horizon A
Flag 1 - 20 feet
Flag 2 - 30 feet
Distance - 100 feet
What is 50%
What type of cast/ribbon does a moderately fine require?
What is a good cast and ribbon less than 6 inches
What is a soil horizon?
What is soil layers from a side profile
Which horizon is known as the subsoil horizon?
What is horizon B
Flag 1 - 30 feet
Flag 2 - 25 feet
Distance - 33.3 yards
What is 5%
What type of cast/ribbon does a coarse texture require?
What is, no cast and no ribbon
What is a soil profile?
Which horizon is known as the parent material horizon?
What is horizon C
Flag 1 - 10 feet
Flag 2 - -30 feet
Distance - 100 feet
What type of cast/ribbon does a fine texture require?
What is, strong cast and ribbon greater than 6 inches
How do you evaluate the texture of a material?
What is sense of touch
Which horizon has the most nutrients?
What is horizon A
Flag 1 - 30 feet
Flag 2 - 25 feet
Distance - 33.3 yards
What is 5%
What type of cast/ribbon does a fine texture require?
What is, strong cast and ribbon greater than 6 inches
List the 4 F's why soil is important.
Which horizon does the roots of plants stop?
What is horizon B