30% clay, 60% silt, 10% sand
Silt clay loam
True or false?
Sand is the smallest soil particle
upper most layer rich in organic matter
True or false?
Rust is a form of chemical weathering
FFA was established in 1930
False it was 1928
10% clay, 10% sand, loamy sand texture
80% silt
name the major components of soil
air, water, organic matter, minerals
weathered (broken down) parent material
C Horizon
True or false
topography does NOT effect how soil forms
what is the smallest breed of dairy goat we discussed in class?
Nigerian Dwarf
40% clay, sand ?, 10% silt
50% sand, sandy clay
name 3 uses for soil
building, planting, cosmetics, etc...
Mineral layer with some organic matter incorporated
B Horizon
name a biological factor that could effect soil erosion or weathering (could be chemical or physical)
worms digging tunnels in soil, moss growth on rocks, etc...
The FFA creed was written by who?
EM Tiffany
36% clay, sand?, silt?, clay loam texture
32% sand, 32% silt (or any other variation that still results in clay loam texture)
what is the smallest soil particle
The topsoil layer rich in minerals and organic matter (roots are commonly found here)
A Horizon
what is parent material
the base of which all soil is formed, large rock layer in the R Horizon
The first sentence in the FFA creed is?
I believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds
60% clay, sand?, Silt?, clay texture
30% sand 10% silt, (or any other variation that results in a clay texture)
Are dirt and soil the same thing?
The bottom most layer of a soil profile composed of solid parent material
R Horizon
name a physical weathering process and a chemical weathering process
Variety of answers
what is the liter and individual number of this pig