The platform touhou started on before MS Windows.
What is PC-98
Weather between Blue Sky and Spring Haze
What is Hail
Professional classical pianist
Head of the Church of Double sun cult
Who is Bolai
A variation of poker where each player is dealt two cards and five community cards are dealt in the center.
What is Texas hold'em
Tasogare frontiers first released game in 2001, a non-touhou fighting game.
What is Eternal Fighter Zero (2001)
A phenomenon where a gust front or strong winds in blow up sand and dirt, creating a sandstorm. Also forces counter hits.
What is Dust storm
Tournament organizer and Streamer
Sounds white but actually black.
Who is Tessiro
Komachi's System card
What is A Penny Saved
The shitposting channel during the IRC days
This weather appearing in SWR allowed players to HJC their normals.
What is Tempest
Polish Okuu main who saved hisouten with Discord
Who is Zaton
A former thief in the X-men characterized by throwing exploding playing cards.
Who is Gambit
A 2015 Indigogo fundraised touhou spinoff by indie developers From Soy Sauce
Eventually shut down with a copyright claim from Team Shanghai Alice
What is Touhou Super Smash Battle (Touhou Smash)
A naturally occuring electrostatic discharge between the atmosphere and the ground. Can be observed by the light and "clap" it generates.
What is lightning/thunder
Softest Soku Saturday Champ
Who is Genki
This Pokémon TCG card sold for $100 000 on ebay in 2013. Only six copies were made and distributed from an illustration contest in 1997.
What is Pikachu Illustrator
What is Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
This instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure
What is a barometer
The technomancer that keeps soku on life support.
Might actually be over 200 years old.
Who is SpikeSpiegel
The YuGiOh card that combined with Yata-Garasu prompted the very first YGO ban list. When activated it would send all cards on the field and hands to the graveyard.
What is Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End