Organizational Patterns
Main idea vs. Theme
Tone and Mood

What organizational pattern is this?

The text will discuss the similarities (comparisons) and differences (contrasts) between two things

Compare and Contrast


Is this a theme or the main idea?

"Ordinary people can be heroes."



2. Read this sentence from paragraph 

Baby animals spend countless hours and large amounts of energy at play.

1. Adding the suffix -less to the word count makes a word that means —

A counted often

B counted incorrectly

C needing to be counted

D not able to be counted

D. not able to be counted


The author's attitude or feelings towards the writing is the ________.

A. Tone

B. Mood

C. Author's purpose

D. Author's main idea

A. Tone


We have a secret, just we three, The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree; The bird told the tree, and the tree told me, And nobody knows it but just us three.

But of course, the robin knows it best, Because she built the—I shan't tell the rest; And laid the four little—something in it— I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute.

But if the tree and the robin don't peep, I'll try my best the secret to keep; Though I know when the little birds fly about Then the whole secret will be out. Source: 

The Golden Book of Poetry (1947)

Name two examples with figurative language

Personidificarion "We have a secret, just we three, The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree"


other forms of personification


What organizational pattern is this ?

An essay about the life and times of the outlaw Jesse James would most likely be which organizational pattern?



Filipino Americans,  Larry Itliong partnered and Cesar Chavez to create the United Farm Workers (UFW) of America labor union.

Is this a theme or the main idea.

Main idea.


NO TRYOUTS: The second change is that this year’s performers will be chosen in a new way. No tryouts will be held. The first twenty acts to sign up for each show will be accepted. Others will be put on a waiting list in case someone drops out or has an act that is not allowed. You will be notified by telephone or e-mail if your act is included.

4. A performance and the members.


Tone is 

A. What the author  summarizes

B. How a reader feels when they read the text

C. The author's main idea.

D. How the author feels about the subject.

D. How the author feels about the subject.

  • Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.” Which of the following is implicitly stated in the paragraph?

    • A. Maggie was late to school.

    • B. Maggie was in Kindergarten or 1st grade.

    • C .Maggie lives close to the school.

    • D.Maggie is excited about going to school.

C. Maggie lives close to school.


What organizational pattern is this?

A series of events are presented in a specific order, often using signal words like "first", "next", "then" & "last



Hard work leads to contentment in life.

Is this a theme or main idea? 



3 Read this sentence from the flier. What is the job of a stagehand?

If you do not wish to perform but would enjoy helping backstage with lights or sound, print “stagehand” in large letters at the top of the permission slip.

A To design costumes

B To direct performers

C To play musical instruments

D To provide special support

D. To provide special support.


"They plan to kill General  Washington." He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Tell me everything at once."

What is the tone of the dialogue?

a. serious

b. informal

c. happy

d. irony


a. serious


What is the effect in this sentence?

Due to peanut allergies, students aren't permitted to bring in baked goods

 students aren't permitted to bring in baked goods


Some flamingos are pink. Not all flamingos are pink. The pink color comes from their diet. Flamingos that eat lots of shrimp will turn pink. Flamingos that eat a lot of algae will be pale or white.

What text structure/organizational pattern is this?

Cause and Effect.


World War II was a disastrous event.

Is this the main idea or theme?

Main idea


___ 14. What word would literally translate to water of the sea?

 f. constellation

g. geocentric

 h. aquamarine

 j. megalopolis

H. aquamarine


Directions: Read the passage and underline words and phrases that help set the mood. 

Write down the mood of the passage and explain your answer.

. Trey looked out the window. The rain was still pouring down. He threw his baseball glove on the couch with a sigh. The thunder cracked and his phone dinged. Trey picked up the phone. It was a message from his cousin: The game is cancelled because of the weather. Trey didn't reply to the message. He threw the phone back on his bed and rubbed his temples. The rain pattered on the roof. What is the mood of this paragraph?

sad  and gloomy mood. 

"The rain was still poring"

"He there his baseball glove on the couch with a sigh."


For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow paint. She would pick a border that had mostly bright red and green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had found some curtains that were sky blue with streaks of red, blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the walls. And finally, she had picked a carpet that was mostly blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she was done decorating her room. It was really going to look awesome.
 The best summary of this passage is:

Jenny was picking out colors and materials to decorate her room.


Volcanoes are a feared and destructive force for good reason. A volcano is like a pressure valve for the inner earth. Way deep beneath the Earth’s bedrock is the magma chamber. The conduit connects the magma chamber to the outer world and usually runs from the bottom to the top of the volcano. Volcanoes are a beautiful and dangerous natural phenomenon. 

What organizational pattern is this ?



Tap dancing started in America. It began as folk dancing that had much kicking and stamping. Over time, two kinds of dancing developed. In one kind, the dancers wore hard shoes and danced very fast. In the other, they wore soft shoes and danced slowly and easily. There wasn't really any tap in tap dancing until 1925. That's when someone put metal pieces on the toes and heels of tap shoes.

What is the main idea? 

Tap dancing started in America. It began as folk dancing that had much kicking and stamping


How far has the department come in fulfilling the mandate of Congress to establish this new department?

Definition 1.


What is the tone of this passage?

 A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened germs that is injected under the skin and causes the blood to produce antibodies against the disease. Effective vaccines, for instance, have been developed for small pox, rabies, and polio.

a. objective

b. arrogant

c. regretful

A. objective


In the seventeenth century, the Incan people of South America had an empire that stretched more than 2,500 miles. They built highways throughout their empire. One of their tunnels extended 750 feet through a mountain cliff. One of their rope suspension bridges is still used today.

 From this article you cannot tell......

a)the size of the Inca Empire.

b)in what period the Inca lived.

c)why the roads were important to the Inca.

d)if the Inca were skilled in engineering


c)why the roads were important to the Inca.