Reasons Imperialism
World War I
14 Point Plan
Effects of WWI

In terms of economics, businesses needed these to sell more of their products.

What were new markets?


American pineapple growers overthrew the queen here and the USA annexed this island nation in 1898.

What was Hawaii?


The United States stayed out of the war for the first three years.  American was using this foreign policy where it was only concerned with itself.

What is isolationism?

President Wilson's plan to keep wars from happening was called this.
What was the 14 Point Plan?

During the war, this nation became the first communist nation in the world.

What was Russia (which became the Soviet Union (USSR)?


Also, America needed more refueling ports for it's Navy known as this.

What was the Great White Fleet?


The United States went to war with Spain over the treatment of the Natives on this island.

What was Cuba?


USA declares war on the Central Powers after this telegram was made public, asking for Mexico to attack the USA.

What was the Zimmerman telegram?

A major component of Wilson's 14 Point Plan was to nations reduce their weapons and to allow ethnic groups to have their own country, a process known as this.

What is self determination?  Before & After map of Europe after WWI - notice Poland (#9) on the right did not exist before World War I.  The Polish people got their own nation!!


American's were very fearful that communism would come to the nation, so these people were not trusted and America stopped allowing them to come to the country.

Who were immigrants?


These people wanted war, in order to increase America's empire.

Who were jingoists?


These jingoistic newspapers fanned the flames of war after the USS Maine blew up in Havana Harbor in Cuba,

What was yellow journalism? 


He was President during World War I?

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


This was a huge military alliance that was suppose to have all nations as members, so no one would start a war with the other.

What was the League of Nations?


These happened as African Americans moved from the South to the North to work in war factories during both World Wars, and also sparking the Harlem Renaissance.

What were the Great Migrations?


This cartoon relates to what American action taken by President McKinley in 1899

What was the Open Door Policy?  The Open Door Policy gave American access to China's markets. 


Speak Softly and carry a big stick was this president's famous phrase, as he bullied Latin America.

Who was Teddy Roosevelt's  (Roosevelt Corollary)?



Woodrow Wilson said that America was going to war "to keep the world safe for ______________."

What is democracy?


Wilson's 14 Point Plan also did away with these, the main cause of World War I.

What were secret alliances?


This organization adopted an anti-immigration stance and became very popular during the 1920s.

What was the KKK?


Thanks to Teddy Roosevelt, this allowed ships and the Navy to travel much quicker between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What was the Panama Canal?


What three islands did America acquire after defeating Spain in the Spanish American War?

What are The Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam?


True or False:

American soldiers, even though they only fought during the last year of the five year war, made the difference and led the Allied Powers to victory.

What is: true?


America's fear of another war was the main reason why senators rejected the idea of joining the League of Nations and it was also why they never ratified this treaty.

What was the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I?


A negative effect of the Great Migrations (and black men in American military uniforms), was what happened in many cities in 1919, as race riots broke out across America.

What was Red Summer?
