Connotation vs. Denotation
Context Clues
Making Inferences
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Mood and Tone

What is the denotation of a word?

The dictionary definition


seize: The police officer seized  the firework from the underage children.

To take away, confiscate


Iggy squinted as he tried to see through the holes in the ski mask. He could make out the large bag on the counter. The frightened woman who put it there now had both hands raised. As he took the bag off of the counter, Iggy tipped an imaginary hat to the woman. The jest did not brighten her demeanor. Iggy exited the first set of doors but stopped in the vestible. Soon the windows of the building bulsated with blue and red lights. Iggy hurriedly walked back into the building.

What is Iggy doing in this building?

He's robbing the story


Unhappiness: what does the prefix in this word mean?



Trey looked out the window. The rain was still pouring down. He thre his baseball glove on the couch with a sigh. The thunder cracked and his phone dinged. Trey picked up the phone. It was a message from his cousin:The came is cancelled because of the weather. Trey didn't reply to the message. He threw the phone back on his bed and rubbed his temples. The rain pattered on the roof.

What is the mood of this paragraph? What figurative language sets this mood?

Mood: gloomy, sad, disappointing, stressful

Fig Lang: onomatopoeia


What is the connotation of a word?

The feeling we associate with a word


deprive: Thestudents were angry that the principal deprived everyone of prom because of the actions of a few individuals.

To deny or take away.


Iggy squinted as he tried to see through the holes in the ski mask. He could make out the large bag on the counter. The frightened woman who put it there now had both hands raised. As he took the bag off of the counter, Iggy tipped an imaginary hat to the woman. The jest did not brighten her demeanor. Iggy exited the first set of doors but stopped in the vestible. Soon the windows of the building bulsated with blue and red lights. Iggy hurriedly walked back into the building.

Why does Iggy return inside of the building after having left?

The police have arrived and he's running away from them.


Disassociate: What is the prefix and root of this word and what do they mean?

Prefix: dis (not, none)

Root: associate (to connect with someone)


We thought the game was over. The buzzer rang and we thought that we had lost, but then the referee blew whistle. A foul was called and now Derrick had a chance to win the game for us. He stepped up to the free-throw line. The stadium, though filled with people, was completely silent. Everyone was still. Derrick dribbled the ball a couple times. He squared up on the line. Sweat beaded on his forehead. All eyes were on Derrick.

What is the mood of this story? What details tell is this?

Mood: tense, dramatic, uneasy

Details: main character is sweating, the stadium is completely silent, all eyes were on him


Which word has a positive and negative connotation: charismatic and pushy.

Charismatic: positive

Pushy: negative


compulsory: Bruce did not want to help clean up the trash by the river, but the principal told him that since he chose to skip classes on Friday, his participation in the event would be compulsory.

Mandatory or required


Missy looked at her brother Kirk with burning eyes. Her hatred seared through him. Sensing this, Kirk turned toward her and they met eyes. Kirk knew Missy well, but he had never seen this particular expression on her face before and it startled him. He said, "Look, there's no use wasting a bunch of energy fighting. Let's look for it. Where does it go anyway?" Missy fumed at his nonchalance. She replied, "Look at the puzzle, Kirk. You can't miss it." Kirk looked at the jigsa representation of the Statue of Liberty that lay on the table. It was composed of 2,500 tiny pieces, well, only 2,499 really. The red and yellow piece that went in the center of the torch flame was mysteriously absent. Missy sneared at him and said in a vitriolictone, "I told you not to move the puzzle pieces, but you insisted. You said that you had to have a better seat. Well, I hope you're happy Kirk." Kirk ran his index finger along the inside of his short collar. "Gee Missy, I'm sorry," he murmered.

Why is Missy in such a bad mood?

There is a missing puzzle piece.


Miscommunication: What is the prefix, root, and suffix and what do they mean?

Prefix: Mis (bad)

Root: communicate (speak, talk to)

Suffix: ion (act or process)


Farmer Dave woke to the sound of the rooster's crow. The sun was peaking over the horizon. Dave wasted no time getting ready. He wanted to get to the field and started planting. The TV news prattled on while his wife made coffee. He paid no mind to either. He was working out his strategy for today, going over the rows in his mind. He had barely taken two bites of his toast when he grabbed his boots. "I've got to get a move on it," said Farmer Dave. His wife rolled her eyes and gave him a kiss. The day began.

What is the mood of this paragraph? How do we know this?

Mood: focused, productive, driven, motivated

He wasted no time getting ready, he woke up as the rooster crowed, he left before finishing his breakfast


What would be a negative connotation for the word protective?

Pushy, over-worried, overprotective, nosy


prohibitive: I've wanted to purchase the new Game Box since it came out last November, but up until now the price has been prohibitive.

To forbid or restrict; prohibit


Missy looked at her brother Kirk with burning eyes. Her hatred seared through him. Sensing this, Kirk turned toward her and they met eyes. Kirk knew Missy well, but he had never seen this particular expression on her face before and it startled him. He said, "Look, there's no use wasting a bunch of energy fighting. Let's look for it. Where does it go anyway?" Missy fumed at his nonchalance. She replied, "Look at the puzzle, Kirk. You can't miss it." Kirk looked at the jigsa representation of the Statue of Liberty that lay on the table. It was composed of 2,500 tiny pieces, well, only 2,499 really. The red and yellow piece that went in the center of the torch flame was mysteriously absent. Missy sneared at him and said in a vitriolictone, "I told you not to move the puzzle pieces, but you insisted. You said that you had to have a better seat. Well, I hope you're happy Kirk." Kirk ran his index finger along the inside of his short collar. "Gee Missy, I'm sorry," he murmered.

Why is Missy specifically mad at Kirk?

He moved seats and it knocked over the puzzle piece/he lost it.


Subterrain: What is the prefix and root of this word and what do they mean?

Prefix: sub (under, below)

Root: terrain (earth, ground)


Thomas walked into the kitchen and the smell of fresh baked cookies filled his nose and lifted his heart. "Thomas? Are you home already?" asked his mom. "Yeah, Mom, I've got some homework to do." She gave Thomas a big warm hug and said, "I wanted to surprise you with some cookies." Thomas smiled and said, "You did, Mom. What a great surprise." He took a bite of one and the gooey chocolate chips dissolved on his tongue.

What is the mood of this story? What tell us this?

Mood: Loving, warm, welcoming, homey

The smell of cookies, warm hugs, mom surprising her son


Which word has a negative and positive connotation: lie and embellish

Lie: negative

Embellish: positive


magnanimous: The magnanimous  judge released the young offender who had been caught stealing bread by saying, "Everyone has to eat," and slamming down his gavel.

To be generous or forgiving

Ginny's eyesight was checked and her picture was taken. The lady at the desk handed over her papers and had her sign a copy for the state records. She walked out of the building and asked her mom for the keys to the car. "Way to go!" her mom exclaimed, and Ginny drove off to head back home to celebrate.

What can we infer that Ginny just did?

She passed her driving test at the DMV.


Reiterate: What is the prefix and root of this word and what are their meanings?

Prefix: re (again)

Root: Iterate (say repeatedly)


The cold wind whipped as Stanton raced against it. This was no night for a calm ride. The horse's hooves clicked as Stanton whipped the reins. He clutched the king's message in one hand and his crossbow in the other. A wolf howled. He saw motion in the bushes ahead. Not a good sign. It could be an ambush. Stanton extended his finger over the trigger of the crossbow. More wolves howled together.

What is the mood of this paragraph? What tells us the mood?

Mood: urgent, tense, hurried, frightening

Wolves are howling, wind is whipping, danger is suggested to be lurking
