Functional Text
Test Taking Strategies
Dictionary Entries
What's the difference?
Which literary element is being used here? The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
What is repetition.
How many ounces is 4 1/2 cups of flour?
22 ounces
The strategy you should use when a question asks for definition, synonym, antonym or to reword.
What is replace the word in the passage with the answer choices
al·lu·sion əˈlo͞oZHən/ noun an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. "an allusion to Shakespeare" synonyms: reference to, mention of, suggestion of, hint to, intimation of, comment on, remark on "the town's name is an allusion to its founding family" the practice of making allusions, especially as an artistic device. Name two synonyms of this word
What is reference to, mention of, suggestion of, hint to, intimation of, comment on, remark on
What is the difference between mood and tone?
Mood is the atmosphere of the story Tone is the author's attitude toward the subject
What does the author mean by this personification? I look at the trouble and see that it's raging, While my guitar gently weeps. As I'm sitting here, doing nothing but ageing, Still, my guitar gently weeps.
disappointment, sadness with the world and his inability to solve the problems.
What three categories does this food fall into?
Dairy, side dish, and European.
The strategy you should use when you know there are answers that are wrong.
What is slash the trash
i·ro·ny ˈīrənē/ noun the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism "that note of irony in her voice" antonyms: sincerity a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. plural noun: ironies "the irony is that I thought he could help me" synonyms: paradox, incongruity, incongruousness "the irony of the situation" a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. noun: dramatic irony What part of speech is irony?
What is noun.
What is the difference between simile and metaphor?
Simile uses "like" or "as" in a comparison
What does the author mean by this simile? What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run?
He means that if you let a dream die or put it off, it is painful.
Who is the author of this recipe and what year was it written?
Alton Brown in 2007
The strategy you should use no matter what the question asks (hint: be thorough).
What is reading. every. answer. choice.
an·no·tate (ăn′ō-tāt′) v. an·no·tat·ed, an·no·tat·ing, an·no·tates v.tr. To furnish (a literary work) with critical commentary or explanatory notes; gloss. v.intr. To gloss a text. [Latin annotāre, annotāt-, to note down : ad-, ad- + notāre, to write (from nota, note; see gnō- in Indo-European roots).] an′no·ta′tive adj. an′no·ta′tor n. What is the origin of the word annotate?
What is Latin
What is the difference between these sentences? While 8th grade and high school are not dissimilar, 9th grade also offers an abundance of new opportunities. When it comes right down to it, the only way to remedy the overcooked onions is to caramelize them.
The first compares and contrasts while the second offers problem and solution
What does the author mean by this metaphor? “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day,”
What is warm, fair, beautiful, free, etc.
How long should you let the dough rise?
50 to 55 minutes
The strategy you should use on every question to help you be certain of your answer.
What is going back into the passage to justify your answer.
af·fix (ə-fĭks′) tr.v. af·fixed, af·fix·ing, af·fix·es 1. To secure to something; attach: affix a label to a package. 2. To impute; attribute: affix blame to him. 3. To place at the end; append: affix a postscript to a letter. 4. Linguistics To add as an affix. n. (ăf′ĭks′) 1. Something that is attached, joined, or added; an appendage or addition. 2. Linguistics A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root. [Medieval Latin affīxāre, frequentative of Latin affīgere, affīx- : ad-, ad- + fīgere, to fasten; see dhīgw- in Indo-European roots.] af·fix′a·ble adj. af′fix′al adj. af′fix′al·ly adv. af·fix′er n. Which definition applies to English Class?
What is 2. Linguistics A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root.
What is the difference between irony and allusion?
Irony is when the "deliberately contrary" happens, allusion is making a reference to another thing
What is the meaning of this poem? Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
What is that both love and hate can be destructive forces
How long do each of these steps take? Prep: Inactive time: Cook:
Prep: 30 minutes Inactive: 1 hour Cook: 25 minutes
The strategy you should use to help break down what each question wants.
What is highlighting key words in the question
con·text (kŏn′tĕkst′) n. 1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning. 2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting. [Middle English, composition, from Latin contextus, from past participle of contexere, to join together : com-, com- + texere, to weave; see teks- in Indo-European roots.] Which definition applies to English Class?
What is 1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
What is the difference between passing the SOL and failing the SOL?
Taking your time, annotating, reading carefully, and using all the tools in your toolbox to do your best.