Figurative Language
Organizational Patterns
Elements of Plot
Hodge Podge
This type of figurative language makes a comparison using the words LIKE or AS
What is a simile?

Sarah's car was dead on the side of the road. What was she going to do? She had already gotten off to a rough start when her alarm clock had failed to go off that morning. School started in just under an hour. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she had subscribed to OnStar the month before. With the simple press of a button she was able to get help jump-starting her battery and made it to class right on time!

What is problem/solution?


Learn the setting, meet the main characters and find out what the story will be about.

What is exposition?

You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet.

The people are doing this because...

A) they are angry
B) they are cold
C) they are farmers
D) they are hot
What is B?
This is the most exciting part of any story.
What is the climax?
This figure of speech makes a direct comparison between two things without using the words LIKE or AS.
What is a metaphor?

Gives characteristics or traits about a person, place or thing.

What is description?


The part of a story where the loose ends are tied up.

What is resolution?

Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered.

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet?

A) An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.
B)He fell in a puddle.
C) The kids in the house put the sprinklers on.
D) It started to rain.
What is A?
This is the lesson, or moral, of a story.
What is theme?
This type of figurative language gives human characteristics to animals or objects.
What is personification?

Listing events or explaining steps in order.

What is sequence?


In what part of a story do we learn the conflict?

What is the rising action?

The waiting room was full. Two dogs lay patiently on the floor. A kitten cried in the cat carrier. A man came in the door carrying an injured dog. A white-coated man came out to meet him. Everyone knew they might have a long wait.

Where is this story happening?

A) A vet's office
B) A doctor's office
C) A grocery store
D) A farm
What is A?
This is the feeling, or emotion of a story.
What is mood?
This type of figurative language is an intentional (and extreme) exaggeration.
What is hyperbole?

Sean and Brad are best friends. They have been going to the same school since kindergarten and have bonded over their love of sports. However, Sean's favorite sport is football while Brad prefers basketball.

What is compare/contrast?


The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not.

What is the falling action?

Something strange was going on. First, Aidan's aunt said, "Top o' the morning to you!" Then she served him green oatmeal with green milk. She was wearing a green top hat. Aidan wondered whether it was April Fool's Day, but his food tasted fine.

When did Aidan first realize that something strange was happening?

A) noon
B) afternoon
D) morning
What is D?
The author's reason for writing a story is also called this.
What is author's purpose?
This is the repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of words.
What is alliteration?

The summer had been extra hot with very little rain to relieve the thirsty earth. There were cracks in the ground that looked like someone might fall into. People neglected their lawns because no plant was motivated to be green or grow.

What is cause & effect?


What is the climax of a story?

The most intense or extreme part of a story where an action typically takes place.

This man gets up early each morning even when he's been up very late the night before. His office is part of his home, so he has no commute time. He often travels great distances on business. His job is very difficult, because he can never make everyone happy. In spite of this, he keeps on trying to do the best possible job that he can, while feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Who is this man?

A) A business man
C) The President
D) The Vice President
What is C?

Where is the prefix found in a word? Where is the suffix found in a word?

What is at the beginning of a word and at the end of a word?
