Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
What book?

What does 'Sola Scriptura' mean?

"Scripture alone", or "only the Scripture"

What image did Natha use to explain why "Sola Scriptura" is vitally important?

Oxygen masks in an airplane.


What are the two forms of clarity (when reading the Bible)?

External clarity

Internal clarity


What does it mean to repent?

To go the other way, turn the other direction, to completely change your current lifestyle, to do something different, to drop our evil practices and replace them with good


"In the beginning..."



What did Natha say about the Bible and other books?

Other books are great and should be used, but they're all under the authority of the Bible. (Or all second to the Bible).


What did Martin Luther say about the pope and God's word?

The pope can make mistakes, God and his word do not.


What is the wrong definition of self-interpretation?

(Bonus 100 if you tell me the correct definition of self-interpretation)

Everyone is free to interpret the Scripture as they want.

(Answer to bonus: The Scripture interprets itself)


What did Martin Luther call the Word of God?

The proper war weapon against Satan.


Boaz asked the overseer of his harvesters, “Who does that young woman belong to?”

The overseer replied, “She is the Moabite who came back from Moab with Naomi.



What is The Gospel?

The good news of Jesus Christ

How did Natha explain the verse about Satan being a prowling lion?

The lion always goes for the airway, severing the bodies connection to the head. Likewise, Satan always tries to take away our access to the Word. 


Explain external clarity and internal clarity (when reading the Bible).

External clarity - what God is saying is simple and clear.

Internal clarity - clarity that only comes when the Holy Spirit helps us with full understanding. 


How did Natha say the Bible is alive?

The Holy Spirit uses it to talk to us.


“Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?”

“It is,” he said. “And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.”



What is Jesus' relation to the Word of God?

He is the Word of God made human. 

(John 1:14 - "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.")


What did Natha say was the Pharisees reasoning for their extra rules and books outside of God's word?

The Bible is too complicated, and the people are too dumb to understand it.


How did Natha use a puzzle to explain the Bible?

It’s all one large picture, but we look at the simple, more obvious stuff first in order to help us understand the rest. We start with edge and corner pieces before moving into the stuff that’s more difficult.


When the Pharisees came to Jesus, why did Jesus point their attention back to John? 

Because if they didn't understand the first part (repenting), how were they going to understand the rest?


"Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening."

1 Samuel


Why did Jesus use Scripture to resist temptation instead of using his power as God to simply yeet Satan into the next continent?

To set an example for us the Scriptures are all we need against Satan. Jesus responded as a man for the sake of showing us that we have the power to resist Satan with the Scriptures (but only with the Scriptures). 


What did Martin Luther mean when he said, "The Holy Spirit travels along in the wagon of the Word"?

The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit will not go against God's Word, but uses it and is always aligned with it. 


What was Luther's beef with everyone thinking that just because they just got the Bible, they can interpret it however they want?  

Just like any other skill, there are teachers and masters we must learn from and be guided by. Reading Scripture takes practice and guidance. Just because we have it, doesn't mean we're suddenly experts. 


What is the fear of the Lord?

"the beginning of knowledge."


Understanding God as a Father who not only loves, but keeps us accountable and demands that we follow His lordship.


"Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

