What esbat is in the month of march
March Comes in like a lion and out like a
What are some of the first flowers that pop up to notify us that spring has sprung
Out of red, black, green and gold which color represents the gold devil
GOLD - Spring - Rising Sun
The spring equinox, also known as the celestial new year is marked by the sun entering what zodiac sign
What does the term ESBAT mean?
In Old French, "esbat" (or its verb form, "s'esbattre") meant "to frolic, to have fun, or to amuse oneself". In modern English, the word "esbat" is used in trad witch context to refer to a meeting or ritual held on the night of a full moon.
Who is the devil in gold?
Lucifer / Apollo
What is a tregunda?
Feast of Diana the moon goddess where the meal and games are had - gospel of witches ARADIA
Persephone reigns the dark half of the year but she has another epitet over the light half of the year
What is the march council cardinals name?
Enya Galebringer - skeletal spring hag
What phrase said on the first of every month in spring is thought to bring good luck
RABBIT RABBIT - While the exact origin is unclear, the phrase is thought to have originated in the United Kingdom, with the first written mention appearing in a 1909 issue of the British journal "Notes and Queries".
Who is Aradia's Father?
Bonus Points! What sabbats make up "Courting Season" and what is Courting Season?
Spring Equinox, May Day, Litha, a time when the coven is open and courts new potential members
What is a braid Dance
Bonus points 2 for 1 - What colors are assigned to each season
weaving the seasons
gold spring
green summer
red fall
blue winter
Bonus points! What gemstones are associated with the elements and cardinal directions
air - yellow topaz
water - sapphire
fire - ruby
earth - emerald