Where is Scripps Henge located?
Scripps Pier in La Jolla, California
What is the Earth’s tilt in degrees?
When is your shadow the shortest?
Solar noon.
What is the most famous ancient solar-aligned structure?
What energy source do solar panels use?
The sun’s radiation (solar energy).
How many times a year does Scripps Henge align with the sunset?
Twice a year.
What does the tilt of Earth cause?
When are shadows longest during the day?
Early morning and late afternoon.
What civilization built Chichén Itzá?
The Maya civilization.
Why are solar panels tilted at different angles?
To maximize sunlight absorption based on location and season
What causes the sun to align with Scripps Pier twice a year?
The Earth’s axial tilt and orbit create predictable sun paths
When is the sun highest in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere?
Summer solstice (around June 21).
Why do shadows change length?
The angle of the sun changes throughout the day
How did the ancient Egyptians use the sun for building design?
They aligned pyramids with cardinal directions and solar events.
How do buildings use passive solar design?
By positioning windows and materials to capture and store heat efficiently.
How could you design another structure like Scripps Henge?
By calculating solar angles and aligning structural gaps with the sun’s position on specific dates.
How does the sun’s position change over the year?
It shifts north and south due to Earth’s tilt and orbit.
How could shadows be used to tell time?
By marking shadow lengths and positions at different times (sundials).
What is the purpose of Manhattanhenge?
To showcase the alignment of the sun with New York’s street grid.
How can tracking the sun help improve energy efficiency?
By adjusting solar panels or buildings to maximize sunlight exposure.
What time of year does Scripps Henge’s alignment happen?
Early May and early August.
What would happen if Earth had no tilt?
There would be no seasons.
What pattern do shadows follow over 5 days?
They shift slightly due to Earth’s movement.
Name a modern solar-aligned structure.
The Solar Ark in Japan.
What would be the best location on Earth for a solar farm?
Near the equator or deserts with constant sunlight (e.g., the Sahara Desert).