The force of attraction between any two objects with mass.
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A massivem, luminous sphere of plasma that produces energy through nuclear fusion.
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What is the planet that got kidded out of the solar system?
The spinning of a celestial body on its axis.
Who is the first person to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
A natural object in space, such as a star, planet, moon, asteroid, or comet.
Celestial Body
Which planet do we live on?
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A small, rocky object that orbits the Sun.
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Rise and fall of the sea level in relation to the Moon's gravity.
What would happen to your weight if you were on a planet with stronger gravity than Earth?
It would increase.
The movement of one celestial body around another
A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and a tail of gas and dust particles.
A celestial body that orbits a star and is large enough to have been rounded by its own gravity.
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What causes objects to fall towards the Earth?
What is Mass?
Amount of matter inside of an object
A large collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
What is the name of the largest planet in our solar system, its known for its Great Red Spot and numerous moons?
The changing appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth
Moon Phase
What is the phenomena that happens when the sun directly aligns above earth?
Lahina noon
In the video with the bowling ball and feathers what did the scientist take out of the room and why?
Air because of air resistants they needed to test the true state of gravity.
What is the Sun?
A Star
A natural satellite that orbits a planet.
What planet rains diamonds?
Neptune and Uranus
What is the formula to convert mass of an object?
Weight (N)= mass (kg) X gravitational field strength (N/kg)
What is the name of our galaxy?
The Milky Way
Which planet is known as the red planet?
The strength of gravity is also known as?
Gravitational field strength