The name of the moon phase when it begins to get smaller.
What is Waning Gibbous?
This creates the Earth's seasons...
What is the way the Earth is tilted on its axis as it revolves around the Sun?
List three characteristics inner planets share...
What is 1. closest to the Sun, 2. warmer and smaller, 3. rocky surface? 4. shorter orbit 5. no rings
Compared to Earth's gravity, the moon's gravity is ....
What is weaker?
List three factors that affect how bright a star appears...
What is 1. proximity or closeness to Earth 2. amount of energy released or emitted 3. size and distance
True or False: The moon gives off light
What is false?
They call the outer planets the...
What is Gas Giants or Jovian?
The moon looks big and _____ because it is so close to the ________.
What is bright and Earth?