What is the farthest "planet" from the sun?
What color is Mars?
A reddish orange color
How much of earth is taken up by water? (In percent form)
Why do we have seasons?
We have seasons because of the tilt of the earth's axis.
What is Saturns rings made out of?
Small ice, rock, and dust particles.
Is the sun the largest object in our Solar System?
Earth is how old?
4.6 billion years old
What are the 4 seasons?
Fall, spring, summer, winter
Was makes Neptune appear blue?
Methane gas.
How many planets in our solar system are made of gas?
How many times can light travels around the earth in one second?
If the Northern Hemisphere is tilted closest to the sun what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere.
How many planets in our solar system are made of gas?
Is the sun the biggest object in space?
Is earth the only planet with water?
No. NASA has found water on mars.
Why do the leaves turn yellow in the fall
Because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature.
Who discovered Uranus?
William Hershel
How far away is the sun from earth?
92.329 million miles
What angle is the axis of mars tilted at?
25.5 degrees
How many minutes does it take for light to get to Earth?
8 minutes
When it is spring in the Southern Hemisphere what season is it in the Northern Hemisphere?
What planet is the biggest?