What does habitable mean?
Suitable for life
What is the Red Planet?
What is a full moon?
When the entire moon is visible
What is a constellation?
A group of stars that make a picture
What is the sun?
The star at the center of our solar system
What is an astronaut?
A person who travels in outer space
Which planet is called Earth's twin?
What is a quarter moon?
When half the moon is visible
What star is closest to us?
The sun
What is a heavenly body?
A natural object inspace
What is a satellite?
Something that orbits a heavenly body
Which planet has the longest orbit around the sun?
What is a new moon?
What is the North Star?
What is a solar system?
The sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit it
What is an axis?
The imaginary line that the Earth continually rotates on
What are the inner and outer planets?
Inner planets are the 4 closest to the sun
Outer planets are the 4 farthest from the sun
Why is the Earth a natural satellite?
Because it orbits the Earth
What is a galaxy?
A system of stars
What galaxy do we live in?
The Milky Way Galaxy
What is a space station?
Where astronauts live and work in space
List the planets in order from the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is a moon?
A heavenly body that orbits a planet
Why are constellations found in different parts of the night sky?
Because of the Earth's orbit
What heavenly body reflects the sun?
The Moon