The moon phase when the moon is 100% visible
What is Full Moon
The two gasses that compose most of Earth's atmosphere
What is Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen (21%)
The inner planets
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
The reason for seasons on Earth
What is Earth's tilt on its axis
The moon blocks the suns rays
What is a solar eclipse
The moon phases when half of the moon is visible
What are the First and Third quarter
The heating of the Earth's atmosphere
What is Global Warming
The outer planets
What is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
The 4 seasons on Earth
What is Summer, Spring, Winter, and Autumn
What is a lunar eclipse
What is the waning and waxing crescent
What is a long term change in average weather conditions such as temp and rainfall
A unit of measurement equal to almost 150 million kilometers
What is an Astronomical Unit
The season when the north hemisphere is tilted toward the sun
What is Summer
The phase that solar eclipses occur
What is a new moon
The moon phase when around 75% of the moon is visible
What are the waning and waxing gibbous
The steps to the greenhouse effect
1. Rays of sunlight hit the earth
2. 30% are reflected and 20% are absorbed by the atmosphere
3. 25% reach and get absorbed by the surface and 25% get reflected.
4. The thermal rays get absorbed by greenhouse gasses
5. The rays become trapped in the atmosphere
A planet's movement on its axis
What is rotation
The season when the northern hemisphere is pointed away from the sun
What is Winter
The 3 types of solar eclipses
What is a total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse, and annular solar eclipse
The phase when a sliver or less than a sliver of the moon is visible
What is the New Moon
The 6 key indicators of Climate Change
Global land and ocean temp increase, ice and glaciers melt in the poles, snow ice, and permafrost melt, global sea level rises, more frequent and extreme weather, and changes in vegetation coverage.
The planet's ordered from the sun
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
The equinox
What are days when the day and night are equal
Why don't we see to lunar eclipses a month
Because the earth and moon don't align perfectly every revolution