How many beats is this?
What is the 6th syllable in solfege (Do is the 1st syllable)
What is Mr. White's number one rule when it comes to instruments in the classroom
#1 - Don't play your instrument without my permission
Ta Ta TiTi Ta
2 Beats
What are the solfege syllables from bottom to top
Do, Re, Mi
What are the first 3 things you should do when you walk in the classroom
1. Come in quietly
2. CJ
3. Do Now
Ti Ti Ti Ti Ta ta
4 Beats
What are the hand signs for Sol, La, Mi
How many animals does Mr. White have and what are they?
2 dogs and 1 cat
TA-a Ti Ti TI TI
4 1/2 Beats
If Do is C, What would Ti be?
What is the call and response rhythm that Mr. White and other teachers clap to get the classes attention
TI Ti Ti Ti TI Ti Ta
3 1/2 Beats
If C is Do, spell FACE with solfege (hint: F is Fa)
Fa, La, Do, Mi
Tika Tika Ta Ti Ti Ta