Solid Waste and Space
Municipal and Industrial Waste
Hazardous Waste
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Grab Bag
What is solid waste?
Any discarded solid material
How much of solid waste in the US is generated from household (municipal) waste?
2% But it counts for 210 tons every year!
What is hazardous waste?
Any waste that is a risk to the health of humans or other living things
Name two ways that us as consumers can reduce solid waste.
Buying less, Buy in bulk (less packaging), Buy products that can be used more than once, buy quality products, buy products that can be easily repaired
About how much energy is saved by using recycled aluminum to make a product over aluminum extracted from ore?
95% less energy!
What are the two basic categories of waste?
Biodegradable and nonbiodegradable
What type of material makes up the majority of solid waste?
paper and paper products
What are three ways to manage hazardous waste?
prevent it by producing less, find ways to reuse it, or dispose of it properly (land, biological, exported, incinerated).
How does a compost pile work?
food and yard scraps are broken down in a pile - the warm, moist, dark conditions allow bacteria and microbes to break it down.
What are the series of steps that recycling often follows (generally)?
1. collect and sort 2. clean 3. shred or crush 4. package shredded or crushed material to be sent to a manufacturing company to be reused.
If something is made of synthetic materials, is it biodegradable or Non-biodegradable?
Why are we indirectly responsible for manufacturing waste?
Because it is created by consumers that are buying products that must be manufactured.
How is most hazardous waste disposed of on land? Please describe
Deep-well injection - waste is pumped into a dry rock layer below the ground water in the earth's crust. It is then covered with cement to prevent contamination.
Name three benefits to composting.
Keeps biodegradable waste out of landfills, provides nutrients to the soil, increases beneficial soil organisms, reduces the need for fertilizer and pesticides
How can companies reuse hazardous waste?
Hazardous waste can be sold to another company that may use it in their manufacturing process.
How much solid waste does the average American produce per day?
4.4 lbs
Why should we be concerned about biodegradable agriculture waste?
it is biodegradable but with increased fertilizer and pesticide use, it can be harmful to the soil
Name three examples where hazardous wastes can be found in our daily lives.
cleaning supplies, paints, batteries, cell phones, computers, clothing.
How can changing the materials products uses for packaging help reduce waste?
By using materials that are more easily recycled. EX: Using a product made from one resource (glass) rather than a combination (juice boxes)
What is the Superfund act? What actions did it bring about?
It gives the EPA the right to sue owners of hazardous waste sites for illegal dumping and can force owners to pay for cleanup. It also has a monetary fund to support clean up of abandoned hazardous waste sites.
Why is there not a lot of space for landfills?
Towns and cities are running out of room because there are more people.
Where does the majority of the waste in the US go?
What is the RCRA ? What did it do?
Resource conservation and recovery act - it made the producers of hazardous wastes legally responsible for waste and they must keep records of how waste is handled at all times.
What are the benefits of recycling?
saves energy, water, and the other resources that product is made from.
Why is incinerating hazardous waste not the best option for treatment?
It is very expensive because it uses a lot of energy and needs pollution control devices and monitors. The ash also needs to be disposed of properly.