A group of people engaged in God's mission.
What is the Congregation? G-1.01
Election of ruling elders, deacons, trustees, and calling a pastor
What are business items for Congregational Meetings?
Council which guides and governs the local congregation
What is the Session?
The ways one enters into church membership
What is baptism and public profession of faith, certificate of transfer, and reaffirmation of faith? G-1.0303
A quorum for a congregational meeting
What is "established by own rule" - (used to be 10 percent)? G-1.0501
The members of a Session
Who are church members elected, ordained, and installed ruling elders and installed pastors / associate pastors?
The three categories of church membership.
What are Baptized Members, Active Members, and Affiliate Members?
Two kinds of Congregational Meetings
What are Annual (Stated or Regular) and Special (Called) Meetings?
The officers of the Session
Who are the Moderator and the Clerk of Session?
Body which approved the church budget
The Session (giving full information to Congregation)?
Other Meeting Moderators besides the pastor
What is another minister, or anyone whom the Presbytery designates?
How often a Session must meet in a year.
What is at least quarterly? G-3.0203