This type of clause is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
Non-defining relative clause
He told me: ”You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen”.
He told me that I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
They ________ (not walk) home yesterday if they hadn’t missed the last tram.
They missed it because they ______ their money (steal) and they were searching for it everywhere.
wouldn't have walked
had their money stolen
the state of being mentally and emotionally well-developed
Holiday accommodations (5)
B&B, campsite, caravan site, hostel, self-catering apartment
Sophie said that she had gone to bed early that night.
Sophie said: "I went to bed early last night”.
We ___ our flat ____(not paint) last year when it was cheaper.
If we ____(paint) it then we _____ (spend) less money.
didn't have our flat painted
had painted, would have spent
We use mind you, though, however to:
1. contrast
2. emphasis
3. result
1. contrast
verbs after which we use gerund (5)
not mind
end up
Open the door!, he said.
He told me to open the door.
I ______the oil in my car ______ recently. I _____ (face) problems if I _____ (not do) it.
have had the oil changed
would have faced/ hadn't done
find smth accidentally
come across smth
Travel problems (5)
bumpy ride
The watchmaker asked me:” Did you buy this Swiss watch at my place?"
He said to me, “Don’t lie to me.”
The watchmaker asked if me had bought that Swiss watch at his place.
He told me not to lie to him.
We're having the house painted for the guests next week.
If we ______ (do) it before, we ____ already ______ (welcome) our guests last week.
We're having the house painted next week.
If we had done it before, we would have already welcomed our guests last week.
art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, design, craft and etc.
Visial arts
Phrases to show your preferences (5)
I'm a big fan of
I'm really keen on
I really can't stand
I'm not really into
....doesn't do anything for me
She wanted to know: "Were you informed about the meeting yesterday?”
"How did you know that?" she asked me.
She wanted to know if I had been informed about the meeting the day before.
She asked me how I had known that.
Doctors say you _____ your eyes _____ (should test) every 2 years. You _____ (have) serious problems if you _____ (not) test it every 2 years.
Doctors say you should have your eyes tested every 2 years. You would have had serious problems if you hadn't tested it every 2 years.
a boat that moves across water or land supported by a large cushion