Until I am measured I am not known, Yet how you miss me when I have flown.
What is TIME
3b - 5 - 2b = 5
What is b= 10?
5t - 4= t - 8
What is t=-1?
30 + 6 p = 7( p + 6) - 5
one solution
What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?
What is a Teapot
***Double Jeopardy! This question is worth 400 points!***
m/-2 + 7 = 21
What is m= -28?
-8x + 32 = 4(-2 - 4x)
What is x = -5
***Double Jeopardy! This question is worth 400 points!***
-(3 - 6b) = 6b + 5
what is no solution
Why doesn’t a mountain covered with snow catch cold?
What is a Snowcap!
***Double Jeopardy! This question is worth 600 points!***
5n + 4 - 8n = -5
What is n = 3?
-13 + 6n = -7(5n - 4)
What is x = 1
8x + 38 = -3(-6 - 4x)
what is one solution
x= 5
**Double Jeopardy! This question is worth 800 points!**
Each morning I appear to lie at your feet, All day I will follow no matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish in the midday sun.
What is a Shadow!
−7(4x + 7) = 3 + 4(−4 − 6x)
What is x= -9
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-11 + x = -7x - 8(-x + 1)
what is no solution
wo in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?
What is the letter R
2(1 + 6x) + 2(3 − 6x) = 7x − 5x
What is x=4
-28 = -7(3x +4) + 21x
what is infinite solutions