T or F: Status Asthmaticus is not a medical emergency
What is the most likely origin of a PE
What is the Gold Standard for diagnosing a PE
Spiral CT of the chest
T or F: As the thorax expands, the lungs inflate?
Give me 2 examples of exposures that can affect lung function
So many!
Smoking, air pollution, improper PPE, etc
What is your first line treatment for an Asthma attack
Inhaled Beta Agonist (albuterol)
Your patient is on hormonal birth control, smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day, and is employed by testing mattress comfortability. What is she at risk for
Pulmonary embolism (DVT too, duh)
A rise in ______ can affect the pt's respiratory drive
Related to the pain of a flail chest, what are we concerned about regarding our patient
As we age, this occurs which results in CO2 retention
Air Trapping
For a COPD patient, the heart rate will be __, the respirations will be __, and the O2 will likely be __
Up, up, and down
Give me three examples of emboli's that can cause a PE
Fat emboli, air emboli, septic emboli, DVT, bacterial....
If a PE is severe enough, it can cause _______
Pulmonary HTN or R-sided HF (either answer works)
Air cannot escape the pleural space is called a
Tension Pneumothorax
Geriatric patients are more likely to have this "pink puffer" diagnosis and why?
Hyperinflation and flattened diaphragm
How is a pneumothorax diagnosed and what is the primary treatment?
X-ray (and clinical representation) and Chest tube
A drop in _______ can affect the patient's respiratory drive
Give me 3 examples of PE prevention
SCDs, compression stockings, Enoxaparin, ambulation....
Your patient has almost no kidney function, but a PE is suspected, what can be done to diagnose this patient?
Perform a V/Q test
A 27 y.o. female comes into the emergency department with acute wheezing and SOB after exposure to a strong perfume she wanted to buy. Her wheezing suddenly stops.
What do you do first, and what might be a good teaching point after this has resolved?
Assess and call a rapid (or RT)
Teach her to avoid triggers like perfume
Your asthmatic patient is on a mechanical ventilator, what 3 basic settings might you expect to see
Low respirations, low tidal volume, prolonged expiratory phase.
What three things make up Virchow's Triad
Venous Stasis, Hypercoagulability, and Vessel Wall Injury
You accepted a patient from the ED who had recently had hip surgery. You perform your primary assessment and are called back into the room because she has sudden chest pain, SOB, and is dizzy. BP 90/58, HR 130, O2 89%. Lung sounds are clear but she has JVD. After a quick assessment, what are 3 interventions?
Notify the provider, Supplemental O2, maintain a patent airway, Iv fluids for hypotension, Prep the pt for CT
While triaging a patient, you notice that hey have agonal breathing, their O2 is 85% on 3L NC, and they are starting to act confused. You (as the clever, smart, and fashionable nurse) recognize that this patient is likely experiencing what?
A COPD exacerbation