This cartoon tells the story of a very angry green guy who hates everyone, but in the end, after meeting a donkey, he finds his love. Shto eto za multik?
Shrek (ura lubimiy)
🎂 ⚔ 🌏
The War of 1812
lol tort
Vera Viktorovna Oreshkina doesn't exist.
I’m lighther than a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for more than 5 minutes.
Breathe (dihanie lol)
Сats or dogs?
if you have chosen cats then the next question will give you double points
if you have chosen dogs you get 200,000 points
"Can you imagine what it's like to unwrap a chocolate bar and find a golden ticket there!" (c) kakoyto ded
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
🐣 👼
The nativity of Jesus
emae ptenchik
A person contains exactly 2% of the cow's genes.
Net vi cho mi makaki :)
I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?
A keyboard (esli kto to ne ponyal eto klaviatura)
What is the name of Anastasia Kagarlitskaya's cat?
This picture tells the story of a man who by a unlucky chance won a ticket to his death (eto ochen grusniy film rebyata)
☣ 🦠
The plague epidemic
The lighter was invented before matches.
We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. What are we?
When did the 135 school open?
September 13, 1996
Decipher the abbreviation: TLotR (eto nazvanie filma rebyata)
The Lord of the Rings
🟥 👊
The October Revolution of 1917
There are only 3 original McDonalds in the world.
What’s greater than God,
Eviler than the Devil,
Rich People need it,
Poor People have it,
And you’ll die if you eat it?
Nothing (ya sam v shoke bil)
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - read this word without mistakes on the first try
super ura molodez
The height of the Civil War, the Wild West. By the will of fate, three men are forced to join forces in search of stolen gold. But working together is not the most suitable occupation for such notorious bandits. The companions soon realize that in their daring and dangerous journey through a war—ravaged country, the most important thing is not to trust anyone and keep a gun at the ready (nu tut bez podskazochek sori)
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
🧙 👩 ▶️ 🔥
Jeanne d'Arc
Toilet paper was invented in 1681.
Net lol v 1857
How many seconds are in a year?
Vopros s OGROMNIM podvohom hihihihihi :)
V godu vsego 12 vtorih chisel