Sometimes called monkey, or kiwihead
Manu De Jesus
Chemical number of Oxygen
Is Earth a planet
Which planet in the Solar System experiences the fastest winds, reaching speeds of over 2,000 km/h?
If you have two projects due the day after at 11:59, would you...
a) Sleep at 2am and almost finish one project and cram the others the next day
b) Sleep from 9-11pm and wake up, finishing both projects until 5am
c) Finish both projects, sleeping at 4 and waking up the next day finished with both and 2-3 hours of sleep
d) Cram both tomorrow :)
Science Olympiad and Math Olympiad
Ian Uy
What convection cell is located between the 30-60 degrees latitude?
Ferrel Cells
What does a white hole do? What is it?
The opposite of a black hole. Releases energy and matter.
What is the name of the point where the gravitational influence of two massive bodies, such as the Earth and the Moon, cancel out, allowing a smaller object to remain in a stable position?
Lagrange point
Do you love sleep?
Batch rep
Sean Astraquilo
What is the chemical formula of Carbon Tetrahydride?
This type of neutron star emits beams of electromagnetic radiation as it spins, sometimes hundreds of times per second.
If a spacecraft were to travel at a speed close to the speed of light, time would pass slower for the passengers compared to observers on Earth. What is this effect called, and which theory predicts it?
Time dilation, Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
what time should you sleep?
1 am
M.I.T. boy
Liam Litam
What is the ECN of Oxygen?
1s2, 2s2, 2p4
The event horizon of a black hole marks the boundary beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape. If a black hole’s mass is tripled, how does its Schwarzschild radius change?
It also triples! The Schwarzschild radius (Rs) is directly proportional to the black hole’s mass:
The observable universe has a "cosmic horizon" beyond which we cannot see due to the finite speed of light. What is the name of the theoretical boundary beyond which galaxies are receding faster than light due to cosmic expansion, making them forever unreachable?
Cosmological Event Horizon
What do you get when you eat cookies in bed?
Crummy sleep!1!1!!11!1!2
Jacob Garcia
A reaction is at equilibrium: PCl5(g)⇌PCl3(g)+Cl2(g)PCl5(g)⇌PCl3(g)+Cl2(g). The system is in a closed container at constant temperature. Predict the shift in equilibrium if:
(A) More PCl3 is added
(B) The volume of the container is doubled
(C) A catalyst is introduced
According to general relativity, the Kerr metric describes rotating black holes. If an observer were to enter the ergosphere of a Kerr black hole, what theoretical process could allow them to extract energy from the black hole, and who proposed it?
Penrose Process, proposed by Roger Penrose in 1969
What equation describes the maximum mass a white dwarf star can have before collapsing into a neutron star or black hole, and who formulated it?
Chandrasekhar Limit, given by:
MCh≈1.44 M⊙
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
If a white dwarf exceeds 1.44 times the Sun’s mass, electron degeneracy pressure can’t support it anymore, leading to a Type Ia supernova or collapse into a neutron star!
If the dog ate the dinosaur while sleeping on the door, then how many crocodiles of sleep did the pope get ?