Old Testament
New Testament
Jesus' Life

How many wives does the Bible say that King Solomon had? 

He had 700 - 1 Kings 11:1-3 

What was John the Baptist's diet? 

Locusts and wild honey - Matthew 3:4 


According to Luke's Gospel, why were Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem when Jesus was born? 

There was a census taking place - Luke 2:1-6 


Who's baby "leaped in her womb" after she heard Mary's greeting? 

Elizabeth's Baby - Luke 1:41 


Name two animals that spoke to humans in the Bible 

The Serpent - Gen 3:1

The donkey who spoke to Balaam - Num 22:28 


Who did God send to tell Mary that she would conceive and give birth to a son? 

The angel Gabriel - Luke 1:26-27 


What was the sign Judus said he would give the crowd to identify Jesus? 

He kissed him - Matthew 26:47-50 


What name did Moses change Hoshea son of Nun to? 

Joshua - Numbers 13:16 


According to the book of Isaiah, how many wings did the seraphim have? 

They had six wings - Isaiah 6:1-2 


In Matthew's Gospel, how were the wise men warned not to go back to Herod after visiting Jesus?

They were warned in a dream. - Matthew 2:12 


When the resurrected Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene who did she think he was? 

The gardener - John 20:14-16 


Which person in the Bible had a vision of the four winds of heaven creating a storm and four different beasts coming out of the sea? 

Daniel - Daniel 7:2-3 


In the Desert of Zin, when there was no water for the Israelite community, how many times did Moses strike the rock before water came gushing out? 

He struck the rock twice with his staff - Numbers 20:10-11 


According to the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus was arrested and all his disciples fled, What happened to the young man, following him  wearing nothing but a linen garment, when he was seized? 

"When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind" - Mark 14:50-52


Can you quote the basics of the great commission? 

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 


Which book in the Bible contains the story of the Witch of Endor? 

1 Samuel 28:3-7 
