Yo conozco
I know
This subject pronoun is used to talk about yourself in Spanish.
What is yo?
Sale de
What is s/he leaves from?
El conoce a Juan
He knows Juan
a jacket
What is una chaqueta?
He knows
El conoce
In Spanish, this subject pronoun is used to address one person casually, like a friend or sibling.
What is tú?
agarra la mano de Maria
What is s/he grabs the hand of Maria?
La chica camina
The girl walks
Juan and Dora leave from the restaurant very quickly.
What is Juan y Dora salen del restaurante muy rápido?
Yo conozco
I know
In Spain, this subject pronoun is used to address a group of friends informally, but it’s rarely used in Latin America.
What is vosotros?
Salen de la casa
What is they left from the house?
La chica corre
The girl runs
What is, los muchachos salen de la clase
What is the boys leave the class
Yo conozco a Dora
I know Dora
If you're talking about a group of women only, this Spanish subject pronoun means 'they.
What is ellas?
No conoce a nadie is.....
What is s/he does not know anyone?
La chica agarra el dinero
The girl grabs the money
I know two girls with the name Mary.
Yo conozco a Pablo
I know Pablo
When speaking formally to one person in Spanish, this subject pronoun shows respect and politeness.
What is usted?
Chocolate in Spanish is........
What is chocolate?
Ella abraza el chico
She hugs the boy
To dance the tango.
What is bailar el tango?