What does LET stand for?
Location Economics Tool
What is it called when a bottle of champagne is opened with a sword?
What is the most visited country in the world?
How long can wood frogs go without peeing?
8 months
What is Ilana's greatest fear? (Ilana cannot answer)
This is the name of the first Sonder property to have a hotel license
The Dearborn
(Double Jeopardy) What sport has been played on the moon?
How many observed time zones does China have?
1. China spans 5 time zones but only observes UTC+8
How old is the worlds oldest tortoise?
190 years old
What is Meagan's favorite dessert? (Meagan cannot answer)
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Why was the original Accounts Payable tool called NotVegas?
It was called NotVegas because you don’t gamble with invoices
What is Marilyn Monroe's natural hair color?
How much money is thrown into the Trevi Fountain in Rome each day?
3,000 euro
(Double Jeopardy) How do you tell the age of a horse?
Its teeth
What is Caitlin's favorite show? (Caitlin cannot answer)
Law & Order
How many guest ready units do we currently have?
The computer mouse speed is measured in what?
What is Scotland's national animal?
The Unicorn
Why do dogs like squeaky toys?
It mimics a dying animal
What is Courtney's favorite hobby?
To create the LON team, Sonder transferred employees from these 3 cities
Chicago (Chris), Vancouver (Tom), Montreal (Sten)
What is the dot over a lower case i & j called?
What is the world’s southernmost capital?
Wellington, NZ
What insect migrates from the northeastern US/Canada border to the highlands of Mexico each winter?
Monarch Butterfly - flying up to 2,500 miles
What is Deema's greatest fear? (Deema cannot answer)