Do horse walk on their feet.
What was not a number one hit in the 90s but blew up later. The lyrics go " No I don't want no"
No scrubs T.L.C
This song by Frank Sinatra makes him not like your ways.
"My way"
This song By Elvis makes cats afraid.
"Hound dog"
What is the biggest sun visible from are planet.
What Nirvana song had something that smells weird.
Smells like teen spirit.
What song by Sam Cooke Makes you think that earth is not that bad.
"Wonderful world"
How much wood does a wood chuck chuck
Not enough
This song by Britney Spears was not the first time she did
Oops... I Did it again.
What song by Bill withers makes the earth really cold.
"Aint No Sunshine when She's Gone"