This life landmark happened to Orin on March 2, 2024.
What is engagement?
This British folk-rock duo, known for their haunting and theatrical sound, is Orin's favorite band.
Who is The Amazing Devil?
This duck-named Robin is considered the third Robin of all of Batman's Robins.
Who is Tim Drake?
This book is the longest of the Harry Potter series.
What is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
This greek myth is one of Orin's favorites, so much so that it became an online nickname for him, and he has a reference tattooed on his arm.
What/Who is Icarus?
"Queer Spaces in Rural Places", a show Orin used to host, is this type of media.
What is radio?
Who is Twenty One Pilots?
What organ did Tim Drake lose to Ra's Al Ghul?
What is his spleen?
This queer author prefers their name not to be capitalized.
Who is bell hooks?
Who is adrienne maree brown?
This sword is owned by King Arthur, enchanted by Merlin, and held by the Lady of the Lake.
What is Excalibur?
This person helped host Orin's 21st birthday party before turning around and stabbing him in the back like Julius Caesar.
Who is Sawyer?
This country band wrote the song "Stuck Like Glue" and were Orin's first concert.
Who is Sugarland?
Tim Drake is known for dating two blondes. Name one of them.
Stephanie (Spoiler) or Bernard
This is the name of a book about a curious redheaded orphan who is adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert.
What is Anne of Green Gables?
In The Odyssey, this sorceress, who turns Odysseus' men into pigs, later aids him in his journey by providing guidance and advice on how to navigate the dangers of the underworld.
Who is Circe?
In his sophomore year, Orin coordinated a group of people to attend this conference, that turned out to be a mess of medical issues and interpersonal drama.
This song based around a mythological reference has been Orin's favorite song for the last two years.
What is Achilles Come Down?
What hero name did Tim Drake take up after Robin?
What is "Drake"?
In Discipline and Punish, Foucault introduces this concept based upon a model of a prison, to describe the ways in which modern societies regulate and control behavior through subtle surveillance, rather than through overt punishment.
What is a "panopticon"?
This knight of the Round Table was known for his quest to find the Holy Grail, and his purity made him the perfect candidate to embark on the sacred journey.
Who is Sir Galahad?
This harmonic Minnesotan was my roommate, then partner, now ex, and cheated on me with Daniel Davern.
Who is Lyric?
This is the song that Orin quoted on his high school graduation cap.
What is Battle Cries?
Tim Drake was the first Robin to be explicitly shown as having an affinity for technology and hacking, a trait that he used to help Batman in the Identity Crisis storyline. This specific invention, which he used to track his enemies, was designed with his keen intellect and technological prowess in mind.
What is the "R.T." or Remote Tracking Device?
This book by absurdist theorist Albert Camus is Orin's favorite theory book.
What is The Myth of Sisyphus?
This book is a queer retelling of one of Orin's favorite greek myths and is one of his favorite fantasy books. (He has a tattoo for this pairing.)
What is The Song of Achilles?