Who is Goku's best friend?
Who is Krillin?
Who is Goku's rival?
Who is Frieza?
What is Goku's favorite type of food?
Goku went to...
The Tenkichi tournament
Goku met his....
Older brother Raditz
Who is Goku's wife?
Who is Chichi?
Who is Goku's opposite?
Who is Vegeta? (Jaiden's favorite character)
What is Goku's favorite thing to do? (Besides eating)
What is 1. Training? 2. Fighting?
Goku first fought...
When did Goku first meet Vegeta?
In the canyon
Who is Goku's Ripoff self?
Who is Sonic?
Goku's ripoff self (Already mentioned in first section of columms)
Who is Sonic?
What do Goku and Sonic like to do?
1. Eat 2. Fight
Goku next fought...
Red ribbon
Goku meets...
Who is Sonic's best friend?
Who is Tails?
Who is Sonic's rival?
Who is Eggman?
What is Sonic's favorite food?
What is a chili dog?
Goku next fought....
Goku meets Doctor Gero, who makes
Who is Sonic's future wife?
Who is Amy?
Who is Sonic's opposite? (No, not Metal sonic.)
Who is Shadow?
Sonic likes to...
Goku lastly fought...
Piccolo jr
Who does krillin (And me obviously) have a crush on?
Android 18.