Shakespeare’s wife, who shares the name with a popular actress of today
Who is Anne Hathaway?
Device used in’ Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young”
What is alliteration?
Untutored definition
What is unsophisticated?
Shakespearean Rhyme Scheme follows this pattern
A Shakespeare coined turn of phrase relating to the heart
What is “wear your heart on your sleeve”?
Device used in “love’s best habit”
Tone of the first 2 quatrains
What is Avoiding or Aware?
Shakespeare’s writings follow this rhythmic but speech-like meter
What is Iambic Pentameter?
Shakespeare died at the (now) early age of…
Device used in “My days are past the best”
What is euphemism?
Tone of the 3rd Quatrain
What is questioning or doubtful?
A Shakespearean sonnet has these many lines
Total of Shakespeare’s Sonnets
What is 154?
Device used in ”Therefore I lie with her and she with me”
What is chiasmus or double entendre?
Theme of the sonnet
What is ignorance to deception for the comfort of having the love of a relationship?
The final lines of a Shakespearean sonnet are called this
What is a couplet?
Shakespeare (Shakesy-P) was born in this year
What is 1564?
Tone of the couplet
What is comforting / acceptance?
The Volta in Shakespearean sonnets is found here