Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast known as
What is Thanksgiving/Harvest Festival
Who is on the $1 bill.
What is George Washington.
Big Shaq's quick maffs equation equals to
What is 3
A Palindrome is what
What is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward
Soon Movement's old name is what
What is KCCC.
What are turkey chicks called?
What is Pults or turkeylings
Who is the creator of Peanut Butter.
What is George Washington Carver
What weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
What is they weigh the same.
What is the name of this ~
What is a Tilde.
Soon Movement LA headquarters is where
What is Fullerton.
Which president was the first to give a turkey a presidential pardon?
What is Ronald Reagan
How many presidents were assassinated?
What is Four
It's dark. You have ten grey socks and ten blue socks you want to put into pairs. All socks are exactly the same except for their colour. How many socks would you need to take with you to ensure you had at least a pair?
What is 3.
What is the most commonly used letter in the alphabet.
What is the letter E
What is Jongah and Park Jungsul
Who is the Greek Goddess of corn?
What is Ceres/Demeter.
Who appears on the $2 bill.
What is Thomas Jefferson.
In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?
What is 47 days.
What is a Pangram
What is a sentence containing every letter in the alphabet.
List the 4 members in ChongDan this year
What is Anthony, Joan, Won, Steven.
Before being harvested and sold, an individual cranberry must bounce at least how many inches high to make sure they aren't too ripe?
What is 4 inches.
How many people make up the electoral college
Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy?
What is a word with three consecutive consecutive double letters.
What was the first Higher Calling called
What is Vision Conference