hottest guy on tiktok according to emmie
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the original cafeteria in scobey high school
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the best place to eat in the summer
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what is AnD ThEy WeRe RoOmAtEs
who is the teacher
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the dance with the most controversy because it was "stolen"
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the name of the park where the pool is
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the cutest alien ever
who is baby yoda
Mr. Christy's favorite beverage
what is GATORADE but only g2 because it has less sugar
you find this on your wrist on your 16th birthday
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the tile colors upstairs by the highschool lockers
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where is the baseball field-- leagon burgers
this famous cat has died on May 14, 2019
who is Grumpy Cat
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boonking peoples' identities on tik tok
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the entrances of the tunnels (mia cant answer this)
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this rather BIG Dora appears after these words
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the dance that sophia knows fully on tik tok
what are none of them
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the regular hours for the pool to be open
what is 1-4 p.m and 7-9 p.m.
This famous celebrity, sang man in the mirror, this meme is about him, and he is saying "___, ___"
what is HEE HEE
what used to be above the coffee station
what is kitty cats